Free Law Firm Board Resolution Acknowledging Ownership Template



Free Law Firm Board Resolution Acknowledging Ownership Template

Law Firm Board Resolution Acknowledging Ownership

Resolution Number: [474-854-5164]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

This Board Resolution is adopted by the Board of Directors of [Your Company Name] to formally acknowledge and record the ownership structure of the firm. This resolution aims to ensure clarity and transparency regarding the ownership stakes of each partner and to affirm the responsibilities and rights that accompany such ownership within the legal and operational framework of the firm.

WHEREAS, maintaining a clear and transparent record of the firm's ownership structure is fundamental for its governance, facilitating informed decision-making and compliance with applicable legal requirements;

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors recognizes the need to regularly affirm and document the ownership details to safeguard the rights of the owners and to provide a clear reference for resolving any potential disputes or questions regarding ownership;

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors hereby acknowledges and records the ownership structure of [Your Company Name] as follows:

Owner Name

Percentage of Ownership

Shares Owned













Each individual listed in the table above is recognized as a legitimate and rightful owner according to the proportion of their held interest. This table shall be kept current and reflect any changes through subsequent board resolutions.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this official acknowledgment of ownership shall be recorded in the firm’s official records maintained by the Secretary of the Board. This record will serve as the authoritative document for internal governance, financial transactions, and legal compliance.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any alterations to the ownership structure, including but not limited to transfers of shares or changes in ownership percentages, shall require a formal resolution of the Board, ensuring all changes are duly reflected and acknowledged in the firm's official records.

This resolution was duly passed and adopted by the Board of Directors of [Your Company Name] on [Month Day, Year], and is to take effect immediately.

Certified By:

[Your Name]

[Job Title]

[Month Day, Year]

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