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Texas Will


I. Personal Information

1. Testator:

  • Full Name: [Your Name]

  • Date of Birth: [Your Date of Birth]

  • Address: [Your Address]

  • Marital Status: [Your Marital Status]

  • Contact Information: [Your Number], [Your Email]

II. Executor Appointment

Appointment of Executor

I, [Your Full Name], hereby appoint [Executor's Full Name], residing at [Executor's Address], as the Executor of this Will. The Executor shall have full authority to manage, administer, and distribute my estate according to the terms outlined herein.

III. Beneficiaries and Bequests


I give, devise, and bequeath my estate as follows:

  • To [Primary Beneficiary's Full Name], residing at [Beneficiary's Address], I bequeath [Description of Bequest].

  • To [Secondary Beneficiary's Full Name], residing at [Beneficiary's Address], I bequeath [Description of Bequest]. This may include specific assets, monetary gifts, or other properties as detailed in Schedule A attached hereto.

IV. Guardianship for Minor Children


In the event of my death, I appoint [Guardian's Full Name], residing at [Guardian's Address], as the guardian of my minor child(ren) [Child's Full Name]. The appointed guardian shall have the responsibility of providing care, support, and guidance to my minor child(ren) until they attain the age of majority.

V. Funeral and Burial Wishes

Funeral Instructions

I request that my funeral arrangements be as follows: [Description of Funeral Wishes]. I desire that these wishes be carried out concerning my religious beliefs and personal preferences.

VI. Residuary Clause

1. Residuary Clause:

All the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, of every kind and description and wherever situated, I give, devise, and bequeath to [Residuary Beneficiary's Full Name], residing at [Residuary Beneficiary's Address]. This includes any property or assets not specifically mentioned or disposed of in this Will.

VII. Digital Assets Management

Digital Assets

I authorize [Digital Executor's Full Name], residing at [Digital Executor's Address], to manage and distribute my digital assets, including but not limited to online accounts, social media profiles, and intellectual property rights. This authority extends to accessing and closing accounts, transferring ownership, and preserving digital legacies.

VIII. Witnesses and Signatures

1. Witnesses

I declare that I have signed this Will in the presence of the following witnesses, who witnessed and signed this Will at my request in my presence, and the presence of each other:

Witness 1:

  • Full Name: [Witness 1's Full Name]

  • Address: [Witness 1's Address]

  • Contact Information: [Witness 1's Phone Number and Email Address]

Witness 2:

  • Full Name: [Witness 2's Full Name]

  • Address: [Witness 2's Address]

  • Contact Information: [Witness 2's Phone Number and Email Address]

2. Signature of Testator

I, [Your Name], hereby affix my signature to this Will as the Testator.


IX. Legal Advice

I acknowledge that I have been advised to seek legal counsel during the preparation and execution of this Will. I affirm that I fully understand the contents of this Will and have made decisions regarding my estate voluntarily and without coercion.

X. Governing Law

This Will shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. Any disputes arising from or related to this Will shall be resolved in the appropriate courts of Texas.

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