Washington Will


I. Introduction

This Washington Will document outlines the wishes and instructions of [Your Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Testator/Testatrix," regarding the distribution of assets and the handling of affairs after their death. It specifies who will inherit their property, who will be responsible for executing the terms of the Will (the executor) and may also include provisions for guardianship of minor children, among other details.

II. Executor Appointment

Appointment of Executor

I hereby appoint [Executor Name], residing at [Executor Address], as the Executor of this Will.

Powers and Responsibilities

The Executor shall have full power and authority to administer my estate, including but not limited to collecting assets, paying debts and expenses, filing tax returns, and distributing assets to beneficiaries as specified herein.

III. Beneficiaries and Distribution

Primary Beneficiaries

I designate the following individuals/entities as my primary beneficiaries:

  • [Primary Beneficiary 1 Name]:
    [Percentage/Specific Bequest] of my estate, including real property, financial assets, and personal belongings.

  • [Primary Beneficiary 2 Name]:
    [Percentage/Specific Bequest] of my estate, including real property, financial assets, and personal belongings.

  • [Primary Beneficiary 3 Name]:
    [Percentage/Specific Bequest] of my estate, including real property, financial assets, and personal belongings.

Contingent Beneficiaries:

If any primary beneficiary predeceases me, their share shall pass to the following contingent beneficiaries:

  • [Contingent Beneficiary 1 Name]:
    [Percentage/Specific Bequest] of my estate, including real property, financial assets, and personal belongings.

  • [Contingent Beneficiary 2 Name]:
    [Percentage/Specific Bequest] of my estate, including real property, financial assets, and personal belongings.

Specific Bequests

I make the following specific bequests:

  • [Specific Bequest 1 Description] to [Recipient Name], which may include but is not limited to a specific sum of money, a piece of property, or a valuable item.

  • [Specific Bequest 2 Description] to [Recipient Name], which may include but is not limited to a specific sum of money, a piece of property, or a valuable item.

IV. Guardianship Provisions

Guardianship of Minor Children

In the event of my death, I appoint [Guardian Name] as the guardian of my minor children, [Child 1 Name] and [Child 2 Name]. The guardian shall have the responsibility to provide care, support, and education to my minor children until they reach the age of majority.

V. Miscellaneous Provisions

Charitable Donations

I designate [Charitable Organization Name] to receive a donation of [Percentage/Specific Amount] from my estate. This donation is intended to support the charitable activities and causes of the organization as specified by its mission.

Digital Assets

I authorize the Executor to access and manage my digital assets, including but not limited to online accounts, social media profiles, digital files, and cryptocurrencies. The Executor shall take appropriate measures to protect and distribute these assets in accordance with this Will.

VI. Revocation of Previous Wills

Revocation Clause

I hereby revoke all previous Wills and testamentary dispositions made by me, whether written or oral, and declare this Washington Will as my sole and final expression of testamentary intent.

VII. Signature and Witness

[Your Name]




We attest that the Testator/Testatrix signed this Will in our presence, and we signed as witnesses at their request.

Witness 1:

[Witness 1 Name]


Witness 2:

[Witness 2 Name]


Will Templates @ Template.net