Technical Product Requirements Document

Technical Product Requirements Document (PRD)

I. Introduction

Product Name: [product name]

Overview: This document outlines the technical requirements for the development of [product name], a social networking platform for professionals.
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to provide a clear understanding of the technical aspects of [product name].

Scope and Objectives: [product name] aims to provide a seamless networking experience for professionals, enabling them to connect, collaborate, and share knowledge.

II. Stakeholders

Stakeholder Name: [YOUR NAME]

Role: [role]
Contact Information: [YOUR EMAIL]

III. Technical Architecture

System Architecture Overview:

  • Description: [your product] follows a microservices architecture, with separate services for user management, messaging, and content management.

  • Components: User service, Messaging service, Content service.

Technology Stack:

  • Frontend: React.js

  • Backend: Node.js, Express

  • Database: MongoDB

Integration Points:

  • Integration 1: Integration with third-party authentication providers (e.g., OAuth)

  • Integration 2: Integration with cloud storage services for file uploads (e.g., Amazon S3)

IV. Data Management

Data Inputs and Outputs


Input 1: User registration data

Data provided by users during the registration process.

Output 1: User profiles

Profiles created for each registered user, containing their information.

Data Storage and Handling

Data Storage and Handling


Storage Mechanism: NoSQL database (MongoDB) for flexible data storage.

Utilize MongoDB, a NoSQL database, to store user data in a flexible manner.

Handling Process: Asynchronous processing of data updates using message queues.

Implement asynchronous processing of data updates using message queues to improve performance and scalability.

Data Migration Requirements

Data Migration Requirements


Requirement 1: Migrate existing user data from legacy system to [your product].

Migrate data from the legacy system to [your product] to ensure continuity for existing users.

Requirement 2: Regular backups of user data to prevent data loss.

Perform regular backups of user data to prevent loss in case of system failure or data corruption.

V. Security Requirements

Authentication Mechanisms


Requirement 1: User authentication: Secure login with OAuth 2.0.

Secure login mechanism utilizing OAuth 2.0 for user authentication.

Requirement 2: Two-factor authentication for enhanced security.

Implementation of two-factor authentication (2FA) for additional user security.

Data Encryption Standards

Data Encryption Standards


Requirement 1: Data encryption: All user data stored in MongoDB should be encrypted at rest.

Encryption of user data at rest in MongoDB to maintain data security and privacy.

Requirement 2: Transport Layer Security (TLS) for secure communication between client and server.

Implementation of Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt communication channels between client and server.

Compliance with Regulations

Compliance with Regulations


Requirement: Ensure compliance with GDPR regulations for user data protection.

Adherence to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards for user data protection and privacy.

VI. Performance Requirements

Response Time Expectations:

  • Requirement: The application should load within 2 seconds under standard network conditions.

Scalability Considerations:

  • Requirement: The application should be able to handle up to 10,000 concurrent users.

Load Testing Requirements:

  • Requirement: Conduct load testing to ensure the application can handle peak loads without degradation in performance.

VII. User Interface (UI) Design

Wireframes or Mockups: [Attach wireframes/mockups]

Accessibility Standards:

  • Requirement: Ensure compliance with WCAG 2.0 accessibility standards for users with disabilities.

VIII. Development Methodology

Development Approach:

  • Methodology: Agile development with bi-weekly sprints.

  • Sprint Planning: Sprint planning meetings to prioritize features and assign tasks.

IX. Testing Strategy

Types of Testing


Unit Testing

Test individual components and functions.

Integration Testing

Test interaction between different modules.

System Testing

Test the application as a whole.

Testing Tools and Frameworks



Tool 1: Jest

Jest is a JavaScript testing framework used for unit testing.

Tool 2: Postman

Postman is an API testing tool used for testing RESTful APIs.

X. Deployment and Implementation

Deployment Strategy:

  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment: Automate deployment using Jenkins and Docker containers.

Rollout Plan and Timeline:

  • Plan: Roll out features gradually, starting with user authentication and profile creation.

  • Timeline: Full deployment expected within 6 months.

XI. Maintenance and Support

Post-Launch Support Plan:

  • Plan: Provide 24/7 support through a dedicated helpdesk.

  • Bug Tracking and Resolution Process: Use Jira for bug tracking and prioritize fixes based on severity.

XII. Approval

This Technical Product Requirements Document is hereby approved by the undersigned stakeholders:

Client Representative: [client name]

Project Manager: [YOUR NAME]


Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Department: [Your Department]

Date: [Date]

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