Free Product Developer Requirements Document Template



Free Product Developer Requirements Document Template

Product Developer Requirements Document (PRD)

I. Introduction

Product Name: [product name]

Overview: This document outlines the requirements for the development of TechGenius, a cloud-based project management tool.

Purpose: The purpose of this document is to provide clear guidance and specifications for product development.

Scope and Objectives: [product name] aims to streamline project management processes and enhance team collaboration.

II. Stakeholders

Stakeholder Name: [YOUR NAME]

Role: Product Owner

Contact Information: [YOUR EMAIL]

III. Development Environment

Tools and Technologies:

  • Frontend: React.js

  • Backend: Node.js, Express

  • Database: MongoDB

Development Methodologies:

  • Methodology: Agile

  • Version Control: Git

IV. Technical Requirements

Hardware Requirements


Requirement 1: Minimum 4GB RAM

Minimum 4GB of RAM required for optimal performance.

Requirement 2: Dual-core processor

Dual-core processor recommended for efficient processing.

Software Requirements

Software Requirements


Requirement 1: Node.js v14 or higher

Node.js version 14 or higher required for backend development.

Requirement 2: MongoDB v4 or higher

MongoDB version 4 or higher needed for database operations.

Integration Requirements

Integration Requirements


Integration 1: Integration with third-party authentication services (e.g., Auth0)

Integration with third-party authentication services like Auth0 for user authentication.

Integration 2: Integration with cloud storage providers for file uploads (e.g., Amazon S3)

Integration with cloud storage providers like Amazon S3 for file uploads and storage.

V. Functional Requirements

Product Features:

  1. Feature 1: Task Management

    • Use Case: User creates, assigns, and tracks tasks for project management.

    • Acceptance Criteria: Users can create tasks, assign them to team members, and mark them as complete.

  2. Feature 2: File Sharing

    • Use Case: Users can upload and share files with project collaborators.

    • Acceptance Criteria: Users can upload files, set permissions, and access shared files securely.

VI. Non-functional Requirements

Performance Requirements:

  • Requirement 1: The application should load within 3 seconds under standard network conditions.

  • Requirement 2: It should support at least 100 concurrent users.

Security Requirements:

  • Requirement 1: User authentication: Secure login with OAuth 2.0.

  • Requirement 2: Two-factor authentication for enhanced security.

Scalability Requirements:

  • Requirement 1: The application should be able to handle a minimum of 1000 active projects.

  • Requirement 2: It should scale horizontally to accommodate increased user load.

VII. User Experience (UX) Design

Wireframes or Mockups: [Attach wireframes/mockups]

Design Principles and Guidelines:

  • Principle 1: Intuitive and user-friendly interface

  • Principle 2: Consistent design elements and navigation flow

VIII. Testing and Quality Assurance

Testing Strategy


Type of Testing: Automated testing with Jest

Utilize Jest for automated testing, covering unit tests for each component and integration tests for API endpoints.

Test Cases:

Unit tests for each component, Integration tests for API endpoints

Quality Assurance Processes

Quality Assurance Processes


Process 1: Code reviews before merging into the main branch

Conduct code reviews before merging changes into the main branch to ensure code quality and standards adherence.

Process 2: Continuous integration and deployment pipeline with automated tests

Implement a continuous integration and deployment pipeline with automated tests to maintain code quality and stability.

IX. Deployment and Release Management

Deployment Strategy


Strategy: Continuous deployment with Docker and Kubernetes

Continuous deployment pipeline using Docker containers orchestrated by Kubernetes.

Rollout Plan: Gradual rollout to production servers with blue-green deployment

Gradually roll out updates to production servers using blue-green deployment strategy for minimal downtime.

Release Management Process

Release Management Process


Process 1: Version tagging in Git for each release

Version tagging in Git repository to mark each release for tracking and rollback purposes.

Process 2: Rollback plan in case of deployment failure

Pre-defined plan to rollback to the previous stable version in case of deployment failure or issues.

X. Documentation

Documentation Requirements:

  • User Manuals: Comprehensive user guides for administrators and end-users

  • Technical Documentation: API documentation for developers and system administrators

Training Materials:

  • End-user Training: Video tutorials and interactive demos for end-users

  • Support Team Training: Knowledge base articles and FAQs for support team members

XI. Maintenance and Support

Support Plan:

  • Post-launch Support: Dedicated support team available 24/7 for assistance

  • Bug Tracking and Resolution: Bug tracking system in place with regular updates and fixes

Software Updates:

  • Schedule: Monthly software updates with new features and bug fixes

  • Process: Automated update process with version control and release notes

XII. Approval

This Product Developer Requirements Document is hereby approved by the undersigned stakeholders:

Client Representative: [client name]

Project Manager: [YOUR NAME]


Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]


Date: [DATE]

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