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Product Requirements Document Outline

Product Requirements Document Outline

I. Title Page

  • Product Name

  • Version

  • Date

  • Author

  • Contact Information

II. Table of Contents

  • List of sections and subsections with page numbers

III. Executive Summary

  • Brief overview of the product

  • Objectives and goals

  • Key features and functionalities

  • Target audience

IV. Introduction

  • Background information about the product

  • Purpose of the document

  • Scope and limitations

V. User Stories or Use Cases

  • Descriptions of different scenarios in which users interact with the product

  • User personas

  • Use case diagrams

VI. Functional Requirements

  • Detailed descriptions of all features and functionalities

  • Functionalities broken down into specific tasks or actions

  • Use cases or user stories linked to each requirement

VII. Non-Functional Requirements

  • Performance requirements (e.g., speed, scalability)

  • Security requirements (e.g., data encryption, user authentication)

  • Usability requirements (e.g., accessibility, user interface design)

  • Compatibility requirements (e.g., browser compatibility, device compatibility)

VIII. System Architecture

  • Overview of the system architecture

  • High-level diagrams (e.g., system architecture diagram, data flow diagram)

IX. Data Model

  • Description of the data entities and their relationships

  • Entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs)

X. User Interface Design

  • Mockups or wireframes of the user interface

  • Design principles and guidelines

XI. Dependencies

  • External dependencies (e.g., third-party APIs, libraries)

  • Internal dependencies (e.g., other modules or components within the system)

XII. Assumptions and Constraints

  • Assumptions made during the planning process

  • Constraints that may impact the development or implementation

XIII. Risks and Mitigation Strategies

  • Identification of potential risks

  • Strategies to mitigate or manage those risks

XIV. Timeline and Milestones

  • Estimated timeline for development

  • Major milestones and deliverables

XV. Appendices

  • Additional supporting documentation (e.g., glossary, references)

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