User Story Product Requirements Document

User Story Product Requirements Document

[Your Company Name]

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Department: [Your Department]

Date: [April 12, 2050]

I. Introduction

The project aims to develop a mobile application that provides personalized fitness plans and nutrition guidance for users. Targeting health-conscious individuals who seek convenient and effective ways to improve their fitness and well-being, the app will offer a comprehensive solution to track progress, set goals, and access expert advice.

II. Objectives

The primary objectives of this project include:

  • Enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

  • Improving functionality based on user feedback.

  • Incorporating new features that align with market trends.

III. Stakeholders

  • Stakeholder 1: [Abigail Garcia] (Fitness Expert)

  • Stakeholder 2: [Samuel Arnold] (Lead Developer)

IV. Project Overview

A high-level description of the project, including its scope and key features.

The mobile application will feature the following key components:

  • User registration and profile creation

  • Personalized fitness plans based on user goals and preferences

  • Integration with wearable devices for activity tracking

  • Database of workout routines and exercises with instructional videos

  • Nutritional guidance and meal planning functionality

  • Social features for community engagement and support

V. User Stories

Detailed descriptions of individual user stories:

  1. User Story 1: Sign-Up Process

    • As a new user, I want to create an account easily so that I can access personalized fitness plans.

      • Acceptance Criteria:

        • User can sign up using email or social media accounts.

        • Verification email is sent for account activation.

      • Wireframes/Mockups: [Attach or describe visual representations]

  2. User Story 2: Personalized Fitness Plans

    • As a user, I want to receive customized workout plans tailored to my fitness goals and level.

      • Acceptance Criteria:

        • User inputs goals, fitness level, and preferences during onboarding.

        • App generates personalized workout plans with recommended exercises and intensity levels.

      • Wireframes/Mockups: [Attach or describe visual representations]

[Continue listing user stories as needed, following the same format.]

VI. Functional Requirements

Each user story will translate into specific functional requirements that define what the system shall do. These include:

  • Requirement 1: The system shall allow users to track their daily activity levels, including steps taken, distance traveled, and calories burned.

  • Requirement 2: The app shall provide real-time feedback and encouragement during workouts to keep users motivated.

VII. Non-Functional Requirements

The key non-functional requirements are:

  • Performance – System should load within 3 seconds.

  • Usability – System should be usable by users of all fitness levels with minimal training.

VIII. Risks and Mitigations

  • Risk 1: Delay in API integration with wearable devices.

    • Mitigation: Allocate additional resources for API development and testing.

  • Risk 2: Inadequate user engagement with social features.

    • Mitigation: Conduct user surveys and implement feature enhancements based on feedback.

IX. Milestones and Timeline

  • Milestone 1: Completion of User Registration Module ([May 15, 2050])

  • Milestone 2: Development of Workout Planning Functionality ([June 30, 2050])

X. Change Log

  • [April 15, 2050]: Updated user story acceptance criteria based on stakeholder feedback.

  • [April 20, 2050]: Added technical specifications section for clarity.

XI. References

  • Design Guidelines: [Link to design guidelines document]

  • APIs: [Link to API documentation]

XII. Appendices

  • Appendix A: Sample Wireframes

  • Appendix B: Nutritional Guidelines

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