Free Agile User Point Estimation Story Template
Agile User Point Estimation Story
I. Introduction
The purpose of this user story template is to facilitate the agile point estimation process within [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s software development projects. Agile point estimation is a crucial aspect of sprint planning, helping teams determine the effort required for implementing user stories. By using this user story, teams can effectively capture user requirements and break them down into manageable tasks for estimation, fostering collaboration and transparency throughout the development lifecycle.
II. User Story Details
Actor: As a registered user,
Action: I want to be able to reset my password,
Outcome: So that I can regain access to my account in case I forget my password.
III. Acceptance Criteria
User should be able to initiate the password reset process from the login page.
User should receive an email with a password reset link upon initiating the process.
Clicking on the reset link should redirect the user to a page where they can set a new password.
The new password should meet the specified complexity requirements.
Upon successful password reset, the user should receive confirmation and be able to log in with the new password.
IV. Tasks
Set up an email service for password reset functionality.
Implement password reset endpoint in backend API.
Develop a frontend interface for initiating password reset.
Create a database schema for storing password reset tokens.
Write unit tests for password reset functionality.
V. Point Estimation
Based on the complexity of tasks and potential dependencies, the development team estimates this user story to be [NUMBER OF STORY POINTS] story points. This estimation considers factors such as technical complexity, domain knowledge required, and potential risks.
VI. Notes
This user story is dependent on the availability of the email service provider API for sending password reset emails.
The frontend interface should follow [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s design guidelines for consistency.
Stakeholders have emphasized the importance of security measures in the password reset process, requiring robust validation and encryption mechanisms.
By following this user story, [YOUR COMPANY NAME] can streamline the process of capturing, estimating, and implementing user requirements, enhancing overall project efficiency and collaboration within the development team.