Free User Story With Acceptance Criteria Template



Free User Story With Acceptance Criteria Template

User Story With Acceptance Criteria


I. Overview

This user story focuses on implementing a password reset feature for registered users. The feature allows users to request a password reset email, which contains a link to a page where they can set a new password. The implementation involves backend logic for generating and sending password reset emails, a front-end page for entering a new password, and backend logic for validating password reset tokens. The feature enhances user experience by providing a secure and convenient way for users to regain access to their accounts in case they forget their passwords.

II. User Story

As a registered user, I want to be able to reset my password so that I can regain access to my account in case I forget my password.


When a user forgets their password, they should be able to request a password reset link to be sent to their email address. Upon clicking the link, they should be directed to a page where they can set a new password.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Criteria 1: User receives a password reset email within 5 minutes of requesting it.

  • Criteria 2: Clicking the password reset link in the email redirects the user to a page where they can enter a new password.

  • Criteria 3: After setting a new password, the user can log in using the new password.


  • Email service integration for sending password reset emails.

  • Front-end page for entering a new password.


The password reset link should expire after 24 hours for security reasons.

III. Implementation Tasks

Task 1:

  • Description: Implement backend logic for generating and sending password reset emails.

  • Assigned To: Backend Developer

  • Due Date: 2050-05-01

  • Status: In progress

Task 2:

  • Description: Create a front-end page for users to enter a new password.

  • Assigned To: Front-end Developer

  • Due Date: 2050-05-05

  • Status: Not started

Task 3:

  • Description: Implement backend logic for validating password reset tokens.

  • Assigned To: Backend Developer

  • Due Date: 2050-05-03

  • Status: Not started

IV. Testing

Test Cases:

  • Test Case 1: User requests a password reset and receives the email within 5 minutes.

  • Test Case 2: Clicking the password reset link redirects the user to the correct page for entering a new password.

  • Test Case 3: After setting a new password, the user can log in successfully using the new password.

Regression Testing:

Verify that existing login functionality is not affected by the password reset feature.

V. Documentation Updates

User Manual:

Update the user manual with instructions on how to reset a password.

Technical Documentation:

Document the implementation details of the password reset feature for future reference.

VI. Release Notes

Added password reset functionality for users.

VII. Review and Approval


  • Date: 2050-05-06

  • Reviewed By: QA Team

  • Comments: All acceptance criteria met. Feature ready for release.


  • Date: 2050-05-07

  • Approved By: Product Manager

  • Comments: Feature approved for release.

This user story provides a structured approach for implementing a password reset feature, ensuring that all necessary tasks are completed and tested before release.

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