Free Agile Development User Story Template



Free Agile Development User Story Template

Agile Development User Story

I. User Story Overview

In this section, [Your Company Name] defines the core objective and functionality of the user story. It encapsulates the user's perspective, detailing what they want to accomplish and why it's important.


As a [Product Manager], I want to [view analytics] so that I can [track user engagement]. This user story aims to enhance [analytics dashboard] by [adding real-time data visualization].

  • User Role: The role of the user who will benefit from this feature.

  • Action: The specific action the user wants to perform.

  • Goal: The outcome the user wants to achieve.

  • Feature Enhancement: Description of how the feature will be improved.

II. Acceptance Criteria

The acceptance criteria outline the conditions that must be met for the user story to be considered complete. It serves as a checklist to ensure that the implemented feature meets the user's expectations and requirements.


  1. Scenario: User attempts to [view analytics].

  • Criteria:

  • The system should display a confirmation message after the analytics are loaded successfully.

  • The confirmation message should include relevant details such as [2055-04-12] and [14:30].

  • The user should be able to dismiss the confirmation message by clicking on a close button.

  1. Scenario: User tries to [filter data].

  • Criteria:

  • The system should provide various filter options such as date range and user segment.

  • Selected filters should update the displayed data in real-time.

  • Users should be able to reset filters to default settings easily.

III. Tasks

Tasks break down the user story into actionable items for the development team. Each task should be small enough to be completed within a single sprint.


  1. Task: Implement backend logic for [loading analytics data].

    • Details: Develop API endpoints to fetch and process analytics data.

    • Assigned To: [Alex Johnson]

    • Status: In Progress

  2. Task: Design UI components for [filtering options].

    • Details: Create mockups and wireframes for the user interface changes.

    • Assigned To: [Emily Roberts]

    • Status: Pending Review

IV. Dependencies

Identify any external dependencies or prerequisites necessary for the completion of the user story. This ensures that the team has everything they need to start working on the user story without delays.


  • Dependency: Integration with [analytics service provider].

    • Details: Coordinate with [external team] to establish API communication.

    • Status: In Progress

  • Dependency: Approval from [UX Lead].

    • Details: Present proposed changes to [UX Lead] for review and approval.

    • Status: Pending Approval

With this document, team members at [Your Company Name] can ensure that all aspects of user requirements, design, and implementation are thoroughly planned and communicated. This structured approach helps in delivering high-quality features that meet or exceed user expectations.

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