Free Technical User Story Template



Free Technical User Story Template

Technical User Story

I. Introduction

This document outlines the technical user story for developing a mobile application feature dedicated to tracking fitness goals. The focus is on the registration functionality, a critical component for user engagement and data security. Key stakeholders in this project include developers, product managers, and [Your Company Name].

II. Background

Project Overview:
The project addresses the rising demand for fitness-tracking solutions by developing a mobile application that allows users to set, monitor, and achieve their fitness goals.

Current Status:
The project is in the initial planning phase, with the registration feature being the first to be developed.

The user story concentrates on creating the registration feature, enabling users to create accounts, log in, and access personalized fitness tracking functionalities.

III. User Story

As a fitness enthusiast, the user seeks to create an account within the app to track progress, set fitness goals, and monitor achievements over time.

IV. Acceptance Criteria

  • The user enters a valid email address and password during registration.

  • A confirmation email is sent to the user upon successful registration.

  • The user logs in using the credentials provided during registration.

  • The registration process is completed in under 2 minutes.

V. Technical Requirements



Technology Stack

React Native, Node.js, MongoDB


App loading time does not exceed 3 seconds.


Password hashing is implemented via bcrypt.

Email Service

Integration with a third-party email service for confirmation emails.

VI. Dependencies

  • External Dependencies: Integration with a third-party authentication service, such as Firebase Authentication, is necessary for managing user credentials.

  • Internal Dependencies: Completion of the user database module is essential before implementing the registration feature.

VII. Risks and Assumptions

The risk of data breaches exists if authentication mechanisms lack adequate security. Delays in integrating the third-party authentication service could affect the project timeline.

Users are expected to have stable internet connectivity during registration. The third-party authentication service is presumed to offer reliable uptime.

VIII. Timeline

  • Start Date: April 15, 2050

  • End Date: April 30, 2050

IX. Testing Plan

Test Cases:
User registration is tested with both valid and invalid inputs. Confirmation emails are verified, and successful logins with registered credentials are confirmed across iOS and Android devices.

Testing Environment:
Testing will cover a range of iOS and Android devices to ensure broad compatibility.

X. Documentation

User Documentation:
A user guide is created for the registration process, including steps and solutions to common issues.

Technical Documentation:
API endpoints related to registration are documented, including details on the integration of the third-party authentication service and the secure storage of user data.

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