Free UX User Story Template



Free UX User Story Template

UX User Story



I. Introduction

As a Product Manager, I want to add a search feature so that users can easily find relevant information.


As a Product Manager, I understand the importance of providing users with a seamless browsing experience. By adding a search feature, users can quickly locate the information they need, enhancing overall usability and satisfaction.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given the homepage, when a user enters a keyword in the search bar and clicks "Search", then relevant results should be displayed.

  • Given the search results page, when a user clicks on a search result, then they should be directed to the corresponding page.

II. Details

The search feature should be prominently displayed on the homepage and accessible from any page within the application. It should support keyword-based searches and return accurate results in real time. Additionally, the search results should be sorted based on relevance and include pagination for easy navigation.

Acceptance Criteria Checklist:

  • Users can access the search feature from the navigation menu.

  • The search bar expands when clicked and allows users to enter keywords.

  • Search results are displayed dynamically as the user types.

  • Results are sorted by relevance and include pagination at the bottom of the page.

III. Design Mockups

Attached are design mockups showcasing the placement and functionality of the search feature. These mockups align with our brand guidelines and ensure a consistent user experience across devices.

Mockup Links:



IV. Tasks

To implement the search feature, the following tasks need to be completed:

  1. Develop frontend components for the search bar and search results display.

  2. Implement backend logic to handle search queries and return relevant results.

  3. Integrate search functionality with existing navigation and UI components.

  4. Test search features across different browsers and devices for compatibility.

V. Dependencies

The successful implementation of the search feature depends on the completion of the following tasks:

  • Integration with the backend API to retrieve search results.

  • Finalization of frontend design elements to accommodate the search feature.

  • Availability of resources for testing and quality assurance.

VI. Testing Criteria

Testing of the search feature will involve the following criteria:

  • Verify that search results are accurate and relevant to the entered keywords.

  • Test the responsiveness and usability of the search feature across various devices.

  • Ensure that pagination works correctly and allows users to navigate through search results efficiently.

Testing Checklist:

  • Conduct keyword searches with varying input to test result accuracy.

  • Test search feature on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

  • Verify pagination functionality by navigating through multiple pages of search results.

This user story provides a structured framework for implementing the search feature, ensuring that it meets user needs and enhances overall usability. By following the defined acceptance criteria and testing guidelines, we can deliver a high-quality search experience that improves user satisfaction and engagement.

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