Free User Story Template



Free User Story Template



The user profile customization feature aims to empower registered users of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s web application to personalize their user profiles, enhancing their overall experience and engagement. This User Story outlines the requirements and considerations for implementing the profile customization feature within our web application, focusing on gathering the necessary information to proceed with development.


  • Availability of user authentication and registration system within the web application

  • Backend support for storing and retrieving user profile data

  • Frontend interface for users to input and update profile information

Acceptance Testing:

  • The user should be able to access the profile customization feature from their user dashboard within the web application.

  • The user should be able to edit profile information such as name, bio, profile picture, and contact details.

  • Changes made to the user profile should be saved and reflected across the web application.

  • The user should be able to view their updated profile information.


  • The profile customization feature will initially include basic fields such as name, bio, and profile picture.

  • Additional customization options such as theme selection and privacy settings will be considered for future iterations.

Communication Plan:

  • Regular sprint planning meetings to discuss progress and priorities.

  • Weekly status updates are shared with stakeholders via email or project management tools.

  • Feedback sessions with beta users to gather input on the profile customization feature.

Assumptions and Dependencies:

  • Assumption: Users are familiar with the concept of editing their profile information within web applications.

  • Dependency: Availability of backend APIs for saving and retrieving user profile data within the web application.


Implementing the user profile customization feature aims to provide users with a personalized experience, fostering engagement and connection within the platform. By gathering requirements and defining acceptance criteria upfront, we ensure that the feature meets user expectations and aligns with the overall product vision for [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s web application.

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