Free Agile Alliance User Story Template



Free Agile Alliance User Story Template

Agile Alliance User Story


[YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s digital software application aims to provide a seamless and intuitive user experience by understanding and addressing the needs of our diverse user base. To achieve this, it is crucial to capture user requirements and needs in a clear and prioritized manner.


This User Story is estimated to require approximately 2 days for initial drafting and refinement, subject to further iteration based on stakeholder feedback.


This User Story encompasses the creation of a structured document or artifact that outlines:

  1. User personas and their respective needs.

  2. Use cases or scenarios illustrating how users interact with the software.

  3. Functional and non-functional requirements derived from user needs.

  4. Prioritization framework for organizing and ranking user requirements.


  • Limited resources for requirement gathering and documentation.

  • Time constraints for completing the initial draft of the user requirements document.


  • Product development team

  • Business analysts

  • Designers

  • Project managers

  • End-users

Communication Plan:

Regular meetings and updates will be scheduled to keep stakeholders informed about the progress of requirement capture and prioritize discussions.

Assumptions and Dependencies:


  • Stakeholders have a clear understanding of the target user demographics and their needs.


  • Availability of stakeholders for review and feedback sessions during the requirement capture process.


Capturing user requirements in a clear and prioritized format is essential for the success of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s digital software application. By ensuring that user needs are effectively communicated and understood, we can drive the development process towards delivering a product that meets or exceeds user expectations.

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