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Safe (Scaled Agile Framework) User Story

Safe (Scaled Agile Framework) User Story

I. Overview

In Agile development within the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), user stories serve as a fundamental tool for capturing end-user requirements and driving iterative development. This document aims to streamline the process of creating user stories by providing a structured format that ensures clarity and consistency across teams at [Your Company Name].

II. Roles and Responsibilities

  • Product Owner: [Your Name] - Responsible for defining the features of the product and prioritizing the backlog.

  • Scrum Master: [Eliana Clark] - Facilitates the Scrum process and ensures team collaboration and timely delivery.

  • Development Team: [Lincoln Lewis, Evelyn Holland, Liam Mendoza] - Implements the user stories and ensures quality deliverables.

  • QA Engineer: [Julian Wright] - Ensures the acceptance criteria are met and the solution is bug-free.

III. User Story Details

  1. User Story ID: [US-2050-001]

  2. Title: [Improve Email Notification System]

  3. Description:

    • As a [Marketing Manager], I want [the email notification system] to [automatically send confirmation emails to customers] so that [customers receive timely updates on their orders].

IV. Acceptance Criteria

  1. Criteria 1: The system must send confirmation emails within [5 minutes] of order placement.

  2. Criteria 2: Confirmation emails must include order details and estimated delivery dates.

  3. Criteria 3: Customers should have the option to unsubscribe from email notifications.



    Acceptance Criteria


    Emails sent within [5 minutes]

    Emails sent promptly


    Include order details and delivery dates

    Order details and dates included


    Option to unsubscribe provided

    Unsubscribe feature available

V. Tasks

  1. Task 1: [Implement email trigger upon order placement.]

    • Subtask 1.1: [Configure email template.]

    • Subtask 1.2: [Integrate with order management system.]

  2. Task 2: [Develop unsubscribe feature.]

    • Subtask 2.1: [Design user interface for unsubscribe option.]

    • Subtask 2.2: [Implement backend functionality.]

VI. Definition of Done (DoD)

  • Code is fully integrated and passes all tests.

  • Acceptance criteria are met.

  • Documentation is updated.

  • Feature is deployed to the production environment without errors.

VII. Dependencies

  • Dependency 1: [Completion of email server configuration.]

  • Dependency 2: [Availability of order management system API.]

VIII. Notes

[Add any relevant notes, considerations, or references here]

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