Free Non Technical User Story Template



Free Non Technical User Story Template

Non Technical User Story

I. Introduction

Our aim is to simplify the shopping experience for [Your Company Name] users. This user story focuses on enabling customers to easily discover products within their budget by implementing a price range filter.

II. User Persona

Persona: [Online Shopper]

  • Goal: Quickly find products within budget

  • Challenge: Sorting through numerous product listings

III. User Story

User Story: As an [Online Shopper], I want to [filter search results by price range] so that [I can easily find products within my budget and make informed purchase decisions.]

IV. Acceptance Criteria

  • Users should be able to set minimum and maximum price values.

  • Search results should update instantly based on the selected price range.

V. Business Value

Implementing this price range filter feature enhances user experience by empowering customers to efficiently locate products within their budget. This not only increases customer satisfaction but also promotes higher conversion rates as users are more likely to make purchases when they find items that meet their budgetary requirements.

VI. Assumptions

Assumption 1: Users are actively searching for products within specific price ranges.

Assumption 2: The price data associated with products is accurate and reliable.

VII. Tasks

  1. Research existing filter options in similar e-commerce platforms.

  2. Design user-friendly interface for [price range filter].

  3. Implement filter functionality.

  4. Conduct usability testing.

  5. Iterate based on user feedback.

VIII. Dependencies

  • Collaboration with [Design Team] for interface design.

  • Integration with existing [Search Functionality].

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