Free One Page Use Case Template



Free One Page Use Case Template

One Page Use Case

I. Use Case Identification

  • Use Case ID: [UCT-001]


  • Created By: [YOUR NAME]

  • Company Name: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

  • Date Created: [DATE]

  • Last Updated: [DATE]

  • Version: [1.0]

II. Use Case Overview

Provide a brief description of the use case, including the primary goal or objective that this use case seeks to achieve.

  • Objective: [Specific Objective]

  • Scope: [Scope of the Use Case]

  • Initiation: [Initiating Condition or Event]

III. Actors

Identify all the actors involved in the use case and their roles.

  • Primary Actor: [Primary Actor Name]

  • Supporting Actors: [Supporting Actor Names]

  • System Actors: [System Actors]

IV. Pre-conditions

Enumerate all conditions that must be present before the use case can begin.

  • [Condition 1]

  • [Condition 2]

  • [Other Conditions]

V. Basic Flow of Events

Detail the sequential flow of the events that describe the standard operation of the use case.

  1. [Event 1 Description]

  2. [Event 2 Description]

  3. [Further Events]

VI. Alternative Flows

Outline any alternative scenarios that deviate from the basic flow with corresponding branching conditions.

  • If [Condition], then [Alternative Event Actions].

  • Upon [Alternative Condition], [Consequent Actions] occur.

VII. Post-conditions

Describe the state of the system, user, and data after the use case concludes.

  • Outcome 1: [Outcome Description]

  • Outcome 2: [Outcome Description]

VIII. Exception Paths

List out scenarios in which errors or exceptions occur, and how the system should respond to them.

  • Error [Error Type] leads to [Response Action]

  • [Another Error Type]: [Corresponding Response]

IX. Business Rules

Detail any relevant business or domain rules that influence the decisions or flow in this use case.

  • Rule 1: [Business Rule Description]

  • Rule 2: [Further Rule Description]

X. Special Requirements

Identify any non-functional requirements or special conditions that need to be met by the use case.

  • Requirement 1: [Requirement Details]

  • Requirement 2: [Additional Requirements]

XI. Assumptions

List any assumptions that are made during the drafting of this use case which may affect implementation or understanding.

  • [Assumption 1]

  • [Assumption 2]

  • [Other Assumptions]

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