Free Persona Use Case Template
Persona Use Case
I. Use Case Identification
Use Case ID: UCT-001
Created By: [YOUR NAME]
Date Created: [DATE]
Last Updated: [DATE]
Version: 1.0
II. Overview
Provide a general description of the persona and use case being addressed. This section sets the stage for detailed analysis.
[BRIEF DESCRIPTION]: A short summary of the use case.
[PERSONA NAME]: The name of the user or persona for whom this use case is relevant.
[OBJECTIVE]: Main goal or outcome expected from this use case.
III. Pre-Conditions
Detail any conditions that must be met before the scenario begins.
[CONDITION 1]: Description of the first prerequisite.
[CONDITION 2]: Description of the second prerequisite, and so on.
IV. Basic Flow
Describe the sequence of steps from start to finish that the persona will undertake within the use case.
[STEP 1]: Description of the first action taken by the persona.
[STEP 2]: Description of the subsequent action, and so forth until the conclusion of the use case.
V. Alternative Flows
List any and all alternative pathways or scenarios that might deviate from the basic flow.
[ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 1]: Circumstances under which this scenario occurs and steps involved.
[ALTERNATIVE SCENARIO 2]: Additional scenarios with respective triggers and actions.
VI. Post-Conditions
Outline the status after the completion of the use case.
[POST-CCONDITION 1]: Status or conclusion following the basic flow.
[POST-CCONDITION 2]: Conclusion following alternative flows.
VII. Exception Paths
Address any potential errors, interruptions, or unexpected events and how they are handled.
[EXCEPTION 1]: Description of the issue and resolution steps.
[EXCEPTION 2]: Additional exceptions and remedies as needed.
VIII. Special Requirements
Identify any non-functional requirements or special conditions affecting the use case.
[REQUIREMENT 1]: Description of a specific requirement.
[REQUIREMENT 2]: Further special requirements necessary for the use case.
IX. Assumptions
List any assumptions that impact the use case scenarios.
[ASSUMPTION 1]: An assumed fact or condition influencing the flow.
[ASSUMPTION 2]: Additional assumptions.
X. Frequency of Use
Provide an estimate of how often the use case is expected to be performed.
[FREQUENCY INFORMATION]: Details on the usage rate.
XI. Miscellaneous
Document any other information or observations relevant to this use case.
[MISCELLANEOUS INFO 1]: Any additional notes or data.
[MISCELLANEOUS INFO 2]: More information as required.