Free Technical Use Case Template



Free Technical Use Case Template

Technical Use Case

I. Use Case Identification

  • Use Case ID: UCT-001

  • Title: Manage [YOUR FUNCTIONALITY]

  • Created By: [YOUR NAME]

  • Date Created: [DATE]

  • Last Updated: [DATE]

  • Version: 1.0

II. Overview

A brief description of the use case, outlining the purpose and significance of the technical process or system being analyzed. This section aims to provide a clear understanding of what the use case will achieve and its importance to [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

III. Actors

Identify all the actors involved in the use case. Actors are entities (people, systems, or other organizations) who interact directly with the system.

  • [ACTOR NAME]: Describe the role and involvement of the actor in the use case.

  • [ACTOR NAME]: Describe the role and involvement of the actor in the use case.

IV. Preconditions

Detail all the preconditions that must be met before the use case can be initiated. Preconditions are necessary states or conditions in the system or environment.

  • [PRECONDITION 1]: Description of the precondition.

  • [PRECONDITION 2]: Description of the precondition.

V. Basic Flow

This section details the steps of the primary process flow, describing the standard operation of the system from start to finish.

  1. [ACTION STEP]: Description of what happens during this step.

  2. [ACTION STEP]: Description of what happens during this step.

VI. Alternative Flows

Detail any alternative scenarios that deviate from the basic flow. These include exceptions or decision branching points that result in different outcomes.

  1. [ALTERNATIVE STEP]: Description and condition under which this flow occurs.

  2. [ALTERNATIVE STEP]: Description and condition under which this flow occurs.

VII. Postconditions

List all the state changes or final conditions that should be true at the completion of the use case. These are outcomes that are guaranteed given the use case was successful.

  • [POSTCONDITION 1]: Description of the postcondition.

  • [POSTCONDITION 2]: Description of the postcondition.

VIII. Exception Scenarios

Identify any possible exceptions or error conditions that might arise during the execution of the use case.

  • [EXCEPTION CONDITION]: Description of the exception and handling procedures.

  • [EXCEPTION CONDITION]: Description of the exception and handling procedures.

IX. Business Rules

Define any business rules that affect the use case. Business rules explain the decision-making conditions or organizational policies impacting the use case flow.

  • [BUSINESS RULE]: Description of the business rule.

  • [BUSINESS RULE]: Description of the business rule.

X. Requirements

Specify detailed functional or non-functional requirements necessary for the use case to be implemented successfully.

  • [REQUIREMENT]: Explanation of the requirement.

  • [REQUIREMENT]: Explanation of the requirement.

XI. Notes and Issues

Record any additional notes or current issues related to this use case that need attention or further investigation.

  • [NOTE/ISSUE]: Detailed description or remark.

  • [NOTE/ISSUE]: Detailed description or remark.

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