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Travel Agency Notice Email

Travel Agency Notice Email

Subject: Urgent Update on Your Upcoming Travel Itinerary

Dear [Client Name],

We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to inform you about some important changes to your travel plans that necessitate your attention and prompt action.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, there have been adjustments to the schedule of your upcoming trip booked through us. These changes involve modifications to your flight itinerary and accommodation details. Specifically, your flight [Flight Number] on [Date] has been rescheduled to depart earlier/later than initially planned. Additionally, we have upgraded your accommodation to a better-rated hotel to enhance your overall experience at no extra cost to you.

Revised Itinerary and Accommodation Details:


Original Details

New Details

Flight Number

[Original Flight Number]

[New Flight Number]

Flight Departure Date

[Original Date, Time]

[New Date, Time]

Accommodation Name

[Original Hotel Name]

[New Hotel Name]

Accommodation Type

[Original Room Type]

[New Room Type - Upgraded]

Check-in Date

[Original Check-in Date]


Check-out Date

[Original Check-out Date]


Additional Information:

  • Reason for Change: [Brief explanation, e.g., flight schedule adjustments by the airline, hotel overbooking issues]

  • Cost Implications: There are no additional costs to you for these changes. All upgrades and changes have been made at no extra charge.

We understand that changes to your travel plans can be inconvenient, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Please review the revised itinerary and accommodation details above and confirm your acceptance of these changes. Alternatively, if you require further modifications or have other preferences, do not hesitate to let us know. We are committed to ensuring your travel is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Your satisfaction and comfort during your travels are our top priorities. Rest assured that these changes have been made with your best interest in mind. As always, we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Please confirm your acceptance or discuss any further requirements by contacting us directly at [Your Email] or [Your Number].

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Company Name]
Email: [Your Email]
Contact: [Your Number]

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