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Travel Agency Instructions Letter

Travel Agency Instructions Letter

Date: [Date]

Subject: Detailed Instructions for Upcoming Group Tour Arrangements

Dear [Employee Name],

We are entrusting you with the organization and management of the upcoming group tour scheduled for [Date]. This tour is crucial for our reputation as it involves high-profile clients and demands meticulous attention to detail.

Key Instructions

Itinerary Planning

  • Confirm the finalized itinerary with all stakeholders by [Date].

  • Ensure that each destination includes activities aligned with the group's interests and physical capabilities.

Accommodation and Transportation

  • Book accommodations that meet our standard of quality and comfort. Prioritize establishments that we have successful partnerships with.

  • Arrange for private transportation for the group, ensuring all vehicles are modern, clean, and well-equipped.

Dining Arrangements

  • Schedule all meals at reputable restaurants that cater to the dietary restrictions and preferences of the group.

  • Confirm all bookings a week in advance and double-check arrangements 24 hours before the meals.

Emergency Preparedness

  • Review and distribute our emergency response plan to all participants and team members.

  • Ensure all participants have access to local emergency contact numbers and are briefed on safety protocols.

Client Communications

  • Provide clients with a detailed tour guidebook that includes daily schedules, background information on destinations, and other relevant details.

  • Set up a daily check-in procedure via email or text to gather feedback and address any concerns immediately.


  • Ensure all clients have submitted necessary travel documentation.

  • Keep a digital copy of all documents securely stored in our system for easy access during the tour.

Your responsibility is to oversee these arrangements from start to finish, ensuring every aspect of the tour runs smoothly and all client expectations are met or exceeded.

Please report progress on each of these points during our weekly coordination meetings, and do not hesitate to reach out if you encounter any issues or require further clarification on any tasks.

Thank you for your diligence and commitment to excellence in carrying out these duties.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Position]

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