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QA Use Case

QA Use Case

I. Use Case Identification

  • Use Case ID: [UCT-001]

  • Title: [QA Use Case Template]

  • Created By: [YOUR NAME]

  • Company Name: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]

  • Date Created: [DATE]

  • Last Updated: [DATE]

  • Version: [1.0]

II. Actors

Identify the roles involved in the use case.

  • [QA TEAM]: Responsible for testing.

  • [DEVELOPERS]: Provides software builds for testing.

  • [PRODUCT OWNERS]: Defines acceptance criteria.

III. Preconditions

Conditions that must be met before the use case can begin.

  • [SOFTWARE BUILD AVAILABILITY]: A new build is ready for testing.

  • [TEST ENVIRONMENT SETUP]: Testing environment is configured.

IV. Basic Flow

Step-by-step description of the main flow of events.

  1. [QA TEAM] receives the software build from [DEVELOPERS].

  2. [QA TEAM] reviews the release notes and testing scope.

  3. [QA TEAM] executes test cases based on defined acceptance criteria.

  4. Any defects found are reported to [DEVELOPERS] via [BUG TRACKING SYSTEM].

  5. [DEVELOPERS] fix the reported defects.

  6. [QA TEAM] retests the fixed defects.

  7. Repeat steps 4-6 until all defects are resolved.

  8. Once testing is complete, [QA TEAM] provides test summary to [PRODUCT OWNERS].

V. Alternative Flows

Describe any alternative paths or scenarios.

A. Defect Rejection

If a defect fix is rejected:

  1. [DEVELOPERS] and [QA TEAM] discuss the rejection reasons.

  2. [DEVELOPERS] rework the fix and provide an updated build.

  3. [QA TEAM] retests the fix.

VI. Postconditions

Conditions that must be true after the use case is completed.

  • [DEFECTS RESOLVED]: All reported defects are fixed.

  • [TEST SUMMARY GENERATED]: Summary report is provided to [PRODUCT OWNERS].

VII. Exceptions

List any exceptions or errors that may occur during the execution.

  • [BUILD FAILURE]: Build is not deployable for testing.

  • [CRITICAL DEFECTS]: Defects impacting core functionality.

VIII. Special Requirements

Any additional requirements or considerations.

  • [AUTOMATION TOOLS]: Use of automation for regression testing.

  • [ACCESSIBILITY TESTING]: Ensure software complies with accessibility standards.

IX. Assumptions

Assumptions made for the use case.

  • [TEST DATA AVAILABILITY]: Relevant test data is accessible.

  • [TESTING RESOURCES]: Sufficient resources allocated for testing.

X. References

List of documents or resources referenced in the use case.




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