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Travel Agency Client Agreement

Travel Agency Client Agreement

This Travel Agency Client Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of [Month Day, Year] between [Your Company Name] ("Service Provider") and [Your Client Name] ("Client"). The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the terms under which the Service Provider will offer travel and related services to the Client. By entering into this Agreement, both parties agree to abide by its terms and conditions, ensuring a clear understanding of each party’s responsibilities and obligations.

1. Services Provided

Under this Agreement, the Service Provider commits to offering an extensive range of travel-related services designed to meet the diverse needs of the Client:

  • Booking Services: Includes the arrangement of flights, accommodations, and ground transportation tailored to the Client's schedule and preferences.

  • Travel Insurance: Facilitation of travel insurance to ensure that clients are adequately protected against unforeseen events during their travels.

  • Itinerary Planning: Development of detailed travel itineraries that accommodate the specific interests and requirements of the Client, based on the information provided in written or electronic form.

  • Support and Assistance: Provision of ongoing support and assistance during travel, ensuring that any issues or concerns are promptly addressed.

2. Payment Terms

The financial terms under which the Service Provider will be compensated are outlined as follows:

  • Service Fee: A service fee, agreed upon prior to each booking, reflects the complexity and urgency of the travel arrangements required.

  • Advance Payment Requirement: All payments for travel bookings and reservations must be made in full by the Client at least [number] days prior to the departure date to secure the services.

  • Forms of Payment: Specifies the acceptable forms of payment through which the Client can complete transactions.

  • Late Payment Consequences: Late payments may incur additional fees or result in the cancellation of services, emphasizing the importance of timely financial adherence.

3. Cancellation Policy

The Agreement includes specific terms regarding the cancellation of travel arrangements:

  • Notice Requirement: Clients must notify the Service Provider in writing at least [number] days before the scheduled departure if they need to cancel any travel arrangements.

  • Cancellation Fees: Depending on the timing of the cancellation, certain fees may apply. For example, if cancellation occurs less than [number] days before departure, a fee of [percentage]% of the total price may be retained by the Service Provider.

  • Third-Party Terms: The Agreement clarifies that refunds and penalties will also adhere to the terms provided by third-party vendors and suppliers involved in the travel.

4. Limitation of Liability

The Service Provider's liability in various scenarios is clearly defined:

  • Exclusion of Liability for Third Parties: The Service Provider shall not be held liable for any failures or breaches by third-party suppliers.

  • Direct Control Limitations: Liability for any accidents, losses, damages, or injuries that occur during travel and are outside the direct control of the Service Provider will be limited.

  • Financial Limitation: Liability is limited to the extent of the fees paid by the Client under this Agreement, emphasizing the importance of purchasing comprehensive travel insurance.

5. Confidentiality and Privacy

The Agreement guarantees the protection of the Client’s personal information:

  • Confidential Handling of Information: The Service Provider commits to maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of all personal information provided by the Client.

  • Usage Limitations: Personal data will be used solely for the purpose of fulfilling the obligations under this Agreement and handled securely in compliance with applicable data protection laws.

  • Third-Party Disclosure: The Client's information will not be shared with any third party without explicit consent, except as required by law, ensuring the Client’s privacy is upheld.

6. Dispute Resolution

In the event of any disputes arising from this Agreement or the services provided, both parties agree to seek a resolution through negotiation and mediation before resorting to arbitration or litigation. This dispute resolution process is intended to be a less formal and more expedited means of resolving any issues, thereby preserving the business relationship between the parties.

7. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State]. Any legal proceedings related to this Agreement shall be conducted in the courts located in [State].

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to this Agreement, having duly acknowledged the terms and conditions herein, have executed this Agreement on the dates written below. This signing serves as a formal ratification of all stated provisions, confirming the commitment of each party to fulfill their respective obligations as detailed within this Agreement.

  • Execution by the Service Provider: By affixing its signature, the Service Provider agrees to provide the outlined travel-related services, uphold the payment and cancellation policies, maintain the limitations of liability, and ensure the confidentiality and privacy of the Client's information as specified.

  • Execution by the Client: By affixing its signature, the Client agrees to comply with the payment terms, adhere to the cancellation policy, respect the limitations of liability set forth, and acknowledge the confidentiality and privacy practices as established by the Service Provider.

Each party affirms that they are signing this Agreement freely and willingly, and that they possess the legal authority to enter into this contract.

Name: [Client Name]
Date: [Month Day, Year]

Name: [Your Name]
Company Name: [Your Company Name]
Date: [Month Day, Year]

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