Business Deal Term Sheet Between Buyer and Seller

Business Deal Term Sheet Between Buyer and Seller

I. Introduction

This Term Sheet outlines the principal terms and conditions proposed for the acquisition of [Business Name] by [Buyer's Company Name] from [Seller's Company Name]. This document serves as a basis for the definitive agreement. It highlights key aspects of the deal to ensure both parties share a mutual understanding before moving forward with the transaction.

II. Parties Involved

  • [Buyer's Company Name], referred to as "the Buyer,"

  • [Seller's Company Name], referred to as "the Seller."

Both of the parties involved are fully committed to engaging in negotiations with integrity and sincerity, based on the terms that have been outlined within this Term Sheet.

III. Purchase Price

The total consideration for the purchase of [Business Name] will be [Amount], structured as follows:

  • Total Consideration: This refers to the total amount that the buyer will pay to acquire the business. The agreed total consideration is $10,000,000.

  • Initial Cash Payment: This is the amount of money that the buyer will pay upon closing the deal that set at $6,000,000.

  • Deferred Payment: This is the remaining amount that will be paid over a specified period after the closing date. The amount is $2,000,000 to be paid over 12 months.

  • Contingent Payment: This payment, capped at $2,000,000, is contingent on meeting specific financial or operational targets after the business acquisition.

IV. Payment Terms

Payments are to be disbursed according to the schedule outlined below, and must adhere to the specified conditions:

  • Down Payment: $4,000,000 upon signing the definitive agreement.

  • Installments: The remaining $6,000,000 will be paid in 6 equal installments of $1,000,000 each, with payments made every 2 months.

  • Preferred Payment Method: All payments shall be made through wire transfer.

V. Key Dates

  1. Signing of Term Sheet: This is the date when both parties sign the term sheet, indicating their agreement to move forward with negotiations based on the outlined terms. The signing of the term sheet is on April 30, 2050.

  2. Completion of Due Diligence: This is the deadline by which the due diligence process, where the buyer investigates the business thoroughly, should be completed. The due diligence completion date for June 15, 2050.

  3. Signing of Definitive Agreement: This is the date when the final, legally binding agreement is signed by both parties. The definitive agreement signing date for July 1, 2050.

  4. Closing Date: This is the date when the actual transfer of ownership and payment occurs, typically after all conditions of the agreement are met. The closing date for August 1, 2050.

VI. Conditions Precedent

The obligations of the Buyer under this Term Sheet are subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions precedent:

  • Completion of satisfactory due diligence by [Due Diligence Completion Date]: This condition requires the buyer to conduct thorough due diligence on the business being acquired. The previously mentioned due diligence completion date of June 15, 2050.

  • The absence of any material adverse change in the financial and operational condition of [Business Name]: This condition safeguards against substantial negative shifts in the company’s financial or operational health, typically assessing factors like significant revenue drops, major contract losses, or regulatory problems.

  • The approval of the transaction by the Board of Directors of both [Buyer's Company Name] and [Seller's Company Name]: This condition requires formal approval from the respective boards of both the buyer and seller companies to proceed with the transaction.

VII. Confidentiality

This Term Sheet and any negotiations relating to the potential transaction it outlines are strictly confidential and should not be disclosed to any third parties without prior written consent from both [Buyer's Company Name] and [Seller's Company Name]. Any breach of this confidentiality provision can lead to termination of negotiations at the discretion of the non-breaching party.

VIII. Exclusivity

For a period of [Number of Days] days following the signing of this Term Sheet, the Seller agrees not to solicit, initiate, entertain, or accept any other proposals or offers from any third party concerning the sale or disposition of [Business Name]. This exclusivity period is intended to provide the Buyer with a reasonable opportunity to complete due diligence and negotiate the definitive agreements without competition.

IX. Miscellaneous

This Term Sheet is governed by the laws of [Applicable Law Jurisdiction] and is intended to be non-binding, except where expressly stated otherwise. The headings used in this document are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Term Sheet. Any amendments to this Term Sheet must be made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both parties.

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