Distribution Term Sheet


This Term Sheet outlines the preliminary terms and conditions set forth for the agreement between TechWidgets Inc., herein referred to as the "Supplier," and Global Distribution Solutions, herein referred to as the "Distributor." This document serves as a foundation for the negotiation and finalization of a distribution agreement focusing on product distribution, pricing, payment terms, and other relevant provisions necessary for a successful partnership.

I. Product Details

This section outlines the specific products provided by TechWidgets Inc. for distribution by Global Distribution Solutions. It includes descriptions, specifications, and any additional product-related data to ensure both parties have a clear understanding of the items covered under this agreement.

  • Product SKU: TW-001

  • Description: Advanced Smart Home Hub

  • Specifications:

    • Compatibility with leading smart home devices

    • Voice assistant integration

    • Advanced security features

  • Quantity: Initial batch of 500 units

II. Territory

The Distributor is granted the rights to distribute the products listed in Section I within the following geographic area(s). This section defines the extent of the territory and any restrictions or exclusions that apply.

  • Authorized Territory: North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific

  • Exclusions: Antarctica and specific regions are subject to trade restrictions.

III. Pricing

Pricing terms outlined in this section are critical for ensuring that the Distributor understands the financial obligations. This section specifies the wholesale prices, recommended retail prices, and any applicable discounts or incentives.

Product SKU

Wholesale Price

Retail Price







IV. Payment Terms

Payment terms detailed here govern the timeline and method by which Global Distribution Solutions must compensate TechWidgets Inc. for the distributed products. It also defines any penalties or interest due to late payments.

  • Payment Schedule: Net 30 days from the date of invoice

  • Accepted Payment Methods: Wire transfer, letter of credit

  • Late payment consequences: 1.5% interest per month on outstanding balance

V. Marketing and Branding

The Distributor agrees to adhere to the marketing guidelines set by TechWidgets Inc. and shall use approved promotional materials to maintain brand consistency. This section specifies obligations related to marketing the products within the specified territory.

  • Marketing Guidelines: Use of approved brand logos and imagery, adherence to brand tone and messaging

  • Promotional Materials to be used: Product brochures, digital banners, social media assets

VI. Term and Termination

This term sheet is effective upon signing and will proceed to a formal agreement that stipulates the duration of the agreement between TechWidgets Inc. and Global Distribution Solutions. It also outlines the conditions under which the agreement may be terminated by either party.

  • Agreement Duration: 2 years

  • Termination Clauses: Termination with 30 days written notice for material breach, insolvency, or bankruptcy

VII. Miscellaneous

Additional terms that do not neatly fit into the other sections such as confidentiality, dispute resolution methods, and legal obligations both parties agree to uphold throughout the term of their business relationship.

  • Confidentiality Clauses: Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of proprietary information exchanged during the term of this agreement.

  • Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising under this agreement shall be resolved through binding arbitration under the rules of the American Arbitration Association.

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