Special Helpers Roster

Special Helpers Roster

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]


I. Program Information

  • Program Name: [PROGRAM NAME]

  • Coordinator: [COORDINATOR NAME]

  • Assistant Coordinator: [ASSISTANT COORDINATOR NAME]

  • Program Email: [PROGRAM EMAIL]

  • Program Phone: [PROGRAM PHONE]

II. Special Helpers Roster

Helper Name


Contact Email

Contact Phone





















III. Responsibilities

  • Special Helpers: Assist with [SPECIFIC TASKS/ROLES] during the program.

  • Coordinator: Oversee the coordination and execution of tasks assigned to special helpers.

  • Assistant Coordinator: Provide support to special helpers and assist the coordinator as needed.

IV. Schedule

  • Program Dates: [DATES]

  • Program Times: [TIMES]

  • Program Location: [LOCATION]

V. Guidelines

  1. Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly define the tasks and roles assigned to each special helper.

  2. Communication: Maintain open communication channels between the coordinator, assistant coordinator, and special helpers.

  3. Flexibility: Be flexible and adaptable to changes in schedules or tasks during the program.

  4. Teamwork: Encourage teamwork and collaboration among special helpers to ensure smooth program execution.

  5. Feedback: Provide feedback and recognize the efforts of special helpers throughout the program.

VI. Notes

  • Customize this roster with accurate information for your special helpers program.

  • Ensure all contact details are correct for effective communication.

  • Update helper names, roles/tasks, contact information, program details, and guidelines as necessary.

  • Communicate any changes or updates to the special helpers in a timely manner

Roster Templates @ Template.net