Free Patrol Weekend Camping Duty Roster Template



Free Patrol Weekend Camping Duty Roster Template

Patrol Weekend Camping Duty Roster

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]


I. Overview

A. Introduction

This roster template is designed to organize the patrol weekend camping duty schedule efficiently.

B. Instructions

  • Fill in the necessary information in the placeholders to customize the roster.

  • Ensure that all patrol shifts are adequately covered to maintain safety and security during camping weekends.

II. Roster Details



Patrol Shift

Patrol Leader

Assistant Patrol Leader



[Shift Type]

[Patrol Leader Name]

[Assistant Patrol Leader Name]



[Shift Type]

[Patrol Leader Name]

[Assistant Patrol Leader Name]



[Shift Type]

[Patrol Leader Name]

[Assistant Patrol Leader Name]



[Shift Type]

[Patrol Leader Name]

[Assistant Patrol Leader Name]



[Shift Type]

[Patrol Leader Name]

[Assistant Patrol Leader Name]



[Shift Type]

[Patrol Leader Name]

[Assistant Patrol Leader Name]



[Shift Type]

[Patrol Leader Name]

[Assistant Patrol Leader Name]

III. Patrol Shift Types

A. Morning Patrol

  • Timing: 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM

  • Description: This shift involves patrolling the camping area and ensuring campers' safety and compliance with campground rules.

B. Afternoon Patrol

  • Timing: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

  • Description: During the afternoon shift, patrols focus on assisting campers, providing information, and monitoring any potential safety hazards.

C. Evening Patrol

  • Timing: 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM

  • Description: Evening patrols involve ensuring campfires are safely managed, enforcing quiet hours, and addressing any emergencies.

IV. Patrol Leader Responsibilities

  • [Patrol Leader Name]: [Responsibilities]

  • [Patrol Leader Name]: [Responsibilities]

  • [Patrol Leader Name]: [Responsibilities]

V. Assistant Patrol Leader Responsibilities

  • [Assistant Patrol Leader Name]: [Responsibilities]

  • [Assistant Patrol Leader Name]: [Responsibilities]

  • [Assistant Patrol Leader Name]: [Responsibilities]

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