Free Case Appelate Brief Template
Case Appelate Brief
I. Case Citation
[Garcia v. County School Board, 2023 WL 123456 (State Court of Appeals, County X)]
II. Parties
Role |
Name |
Appellant |
[Alex Garcia] |
Appellee |
[County School Board of County X] |
III. Procedural History
[Alex Garcia] challenged [County X's] dress code in Circuit Court; it was dismissed.
Lower court ruled dress code didn't violate First Amendment.
[Alex Garcia] appeals to this Court.
IV. Statement of the Case
[Alex Garcia] argues [County X's] dress code limits student speech.
V. Statement of Facts
[Alex Garcia's] "Support Our Troops" T-shirt broke dress code.
He faced disciplinary action, including suspension.
Policy bans logos, symbols, or slogans deemed "disruptive."
His expression wasn't disruptive.
VI. Legal Argument
[County X's] dress code restricts speech, violating First Amendment.
Dress code doesn't meet strict scrutiny; not narrowly tailored.
Tinker v. Des Moines protects students' speech unless it disrupts education.
VII. Prayer for Relief
[Alex Garcia] asks to reverse lower court's decision.
Seeks injunction against enforcing dress code.
VIII. Conclusion
Protecting students' First Amendment rights is crucial.
[Alex Garcia] urges Court to strike down [County X's] dress code.
Respectfully submitted,
[Your Name]
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