Handover Procedure

Handover Procedure

Prepared By:


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Welcome to the [YOUR COMPANY NAME] Handover Procedure Template. This document provides a structured approach for handing over responsibilities or tasks from one individual to another within [YOUR DEPARTMENT]. By following this procedure, we ensure a smooth transition and continuity of operations.


This procedure applies to all personnel involved in the handover process, including outgoing and incoming employees, supervisors, and relevant stakeholders.


The purpose of this procedure is to facilitate effective communication and documentation during the handover process, minimizing disruptions and ensuring the seamless transfer of knowledge and responsibilities.

I. Preparation for Handover

  • Description: Before initiating the handover process, both the outgoing and incoming individuals should adequately prepare to ensure a successful transition.

  • Steps:

    1. [OUTGOING EMPLOYEE]: Compile a list of ongoing tasks, projects, and responsibilities.

    2. [OUTGOING EMPLOYEE]: Document any pending deadlines, upcoming meetings, or critical information relevant to the role.

    3. [INCOMING EMPLOYEE]: Familiarize oneself with the responsibilities and expectations of the new role.

    4. [INCOMING EMPLOYEE]: Review documentation and resources provided by the outgoing employee, if available.

II. Knowledge Transfer

  • Description: The outgoing employee shares relevant information, expertise, and documentation with the incoming employee to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the role.

  • Steps:

    1. [OUTGOING EMPLOYEE]: Schedule dedicated time to meet with the incoming employee for knowledge transfer sessions.

    2. [OUTGOING EMPLOYEE]: Provide an overview of key tasks, processes, and procedures associated with the role.

    3. [OUTGOING EMPLOYEE]: Share relevant documents, manuals, and guidelines to support the incoming employee's learning process.

    4. [OUTGOING EMPLOYEE]: Answer any questions and address concerns raised by the incoming employee during the knowledge transfer sessions.

III. Transition Period

  • Description: Both the outgoing and incoming employees work together during a transition period to ensure a smooth handover of responsibilities.

  • Steps:

    1. [OUTGOING EMPLOYEE]: Continue to perform assigned duties while gradually delegating tasks to the incoming employee.

    2. [INCOMING EMPLOYEE]: Shadow the outgoing employee to observe daily routines, workflows, and interactions with stakeholders.

    3. [OUTGOING EMPLOYEE]: Provide ongoing guidance and support to the incoming employee as they assume new responsibilities.

    4. [INCOMING EMPLOYEE]: Seek clarification and feedback from the outgoing employee as needed to facilitate the transition process.

IV. Finalization and Acknowledgment

  • Description: The handover process concludes with a final review of responsibilities and acknowledgment of the successful transition.

  • Steps:

    1. [OUTGOING EMPLOYEE]: Conduct a final review of tasks and responsibilities to ensure nothing has been overlooked.

    2. [INCOMING EMPLOYEE]: Confirm understanding of all transferred responsibilities and seek clarification on any remaining questions.

    3. [BOTH]: Acknowledge the successful completion of the handover process through written or verbal communication.

    4. [SUPERVISOR/RELEVANT STAKEHOLDER]: Validate the completion of the handover process and provide support as needed to both parties.

V. Handover Checklist

Below is a checklist to ensure all necessary tasks are completed during the handover process:



Review current tasks and responsibilities

Document pending deadlines and upcoming events

Share relevant documents and resources

Schedule knowledge transfer sessions

Provide overview of key processes and procedures

Shadow outgoing employee to observe workflows

Gradually delegate tasks to incoming employee

Seek clarification and feedback as needed

Conduct final review of responsibilities

Confirm understanding of transferred tasks

Validate completion of handover process

VI. Verification

  • Description: Before concluding the handover process, it is essential to verify that all responsibilities and information have been successfully transferred and understood by the incoming employee.

  • Steps:

    1. [OUTGOING EMPLOYEE]: Review the tasks, projects, and responsibilities handed over to ensure completeness and accuracy.

    2. [INCOMING EMPLOYEE]: Confirm understanding of all transferred responsibilities and seek clarification on any remaining questions.

    3. [SUPERVISOR/RELEVANT STAKEHOLDER]: Validate the completion of the handover process and ensure both parties are satisfied with the transition.

VII. Conclusion

With the handover process now successfully completed, both the outgoing employee and the incoming employee are in a position to confidently move forward and fulfill their respective roles within the organization.

Additional Reminders and Tips:

  • Maintain open communication and collaboration throughout the handover process to address any challenges or uncertainties promptly.

  • Document all discussions, decisions, and agreements made during the handover process for future reference.

  • Follow up with the incoming employee after the handover process to provide ongoing support and address any additional needs or questions.

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