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Internal Audit Procedure

Internal Audit Procedure

Prepared By:


Company Name:




Company Email:


Company Number:





Welcome to the Internal Audit Procedure of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. This document outlines the systematic approach to conducting internal audits within [YOUR DEPARTMENT]. Internal audits play a crucial role in evaluating the effectiveness of internal controls, identifying areas for improvement, and ensuring compliance with policies and regulations.


This procedure applies to all internal auditors, audit teams, and employees involved in the internal audit process within [YOUR DEPARTMENT].


The purpose of this procedure is to establish guidelines for planning, conducting, and reporting on internal audits to provide assurance to management and stakeholders regarding the organization's operations, risk management, and governance processes.

I. Audit Planning

  • Description: The audit planning phase involves defining the scope, objectives, and approach for the internal audit.

  • Steps:

    1. [AUDIT TEAM LEADER]: Define the audit scope based on organizational objectives, risks, and priorities.

    2. [AUDIT TEAM]: Develop audit objectives, criteria, and procedures to guide the audit process.

    3. [AUDIT TEAM]: Identify key stakeholders and communicate audit objectives and expectations.

II. Fieldwork Execution

  • Description: The fieldwork phase involves gathering evidence, testing controls, and assessing compliance with policies and procedures.

  • Steps:

    1. [AUDIT TEAM]: Conduct interviews with process owners and stakeholders to understand workflows, controls, and risks.

    2. [AUDIT TEAM]: Review documentation, records, and transactional data to assess compliance with established policies and procedures.

    3. [AUDIT TEAM]: Perform audit tests and procedures to evaluate the effectiveness of internal controls and identify any deficiencies.

III. Reporting and Communication

  • Description: The reporting phase involves documenting audit findings, conclusions, and recommendations for management's review and action.

  • Steps:

    1. [AUDIT TEAM LEADER]: Prepare a draft audit report summarizing key findings, observations, and recommendations.

    2. [AUDIT TEAM]: Review and validate audit findings to ensure accuracy and completeness.

    3. [AUDIT TEAM LEADER]: Present the audit report to management and stakeholders, highlighting significant issues and proposed actions.

IV. Follow-Up and Monitoring

  • Description: The follow-up phase involves tracking the implementation of audit recommendations and monitoring progress over time.

  • Steps:

    1. [AUDIT TEAM]: Monitor the status of audit recommendations and actions taken by management to address identified deficiencies.

    2. [AUDIT TEAM]: Communicate regularly with management to provide updates on the status of audit follow-up activities.

    3. [AUDIT TEAM LEADER]: Report on the progress of audit follow-up activities to relevant stakeholders, including the audit committee and senior management.

V. Continuous Improvement

  • Description: The internal audit process should be periodically reviewed and improved to enhance effectiveness and efficiency.

  • Steps:

    1. [AUDIT TEAM LEADER]: Conduct a post-audit review to identify lessons learned and areas for improvement in the audit process.

    2. [AUDIT TEAM]: Implement changes and enhancements to internal audit procedures based on the results of the post-audit review.

    3. [AUDIT TEAM LEADER]: Communicate updates and improvements to internal audit procedures to ensure consistency and alignment with best practices.

    VI. Conclusion

    The Internal Audit Procedure provides a structured framework for conducting internal audits within [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. By following this procedure, we ensure the effectiveness of internal controls, identify areas for improvement, and enhance organizational performance and compliance.

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