Emergency Procedure

Emergency Procedure

prepared by [YOUR NAME]



I. Objective

To provide immediate and effective responses to various emergency situations ensuring safety and minimizing risks to personnel and property.

II. Scope

This procedure applies to all employees, contractors, and visitors at [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

III. Definitions

  • Emergency Coordinator: Person appointed to manage all aspects of the emergency situations.

  • Evacuation: The organized departure of persons from a dangerous area in response to a threat.

  • Lockdown: Restricting movement in a facility during an emergency to protect lives and property.

IV. Types of Emergencies

  • Fire

  • Natural Disasters (e.g., earthquakes, floods)

  • Medical Emergencies

  • Security Incidents (e.g., intruder, active shooter)

V. Emergency Contact Numbers

Type of Emergency

Contact Number

Fire Department


Police Department


Medical Emergency




VI. Procedures

A. General Procedure

  1. Assess the situation quickly but calmly to determine the type of emergency.

  2. Notify the [EMERGENCY CONTACT TITLE] immediately through [PREFERRED CONTACT METHOD].

  3. Activate the emergency alarm if applicable.

  4. Follow specific emergency procedures as outlined below.

B. In case of Fire

  1. Evacuate immediately, following marked escape routes.

  2. Assist those in need, especially individuals with disabilities.

  3. Do not use elevators.

  4. Once safe, contact the fire department via [FIRE DEPARTMENT NUMBER].

C. In case of an Earthquake

  1. Take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture.

  2. Stay away from glass windows, outside doors, and walls.

  3. Remain indoors until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside.

  4. Evacuate the building if necessary after the shaking has stopped.

D. For Medical Emergencies

  1. Call for medical help immediately using the number [MEDICAL EMERGENCY NUMBER].

  2. Provide first aid if trained and if it is safe to do so.

  3. Remain with the person until professional help arrives.

VII. Training

Regular training will be conducted for all employees to familiarize them with these procedures. Training includes:

  • Fire drills

  • First aid and CPR

  • Emergency evacuation routes and procedures

VIII. Review and Update

The emergency procedures document will be reviewed and updated annually or as necessary to ensure effectiveness and compliance with new safety standards. The next scheduled review is on [NEXT REVIEW DATE].

For further information or to suggest improvements to this emergency procedure, please contact [YOUR NAME] via email at [YOUR COMPANY EMAIL] or call [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER].

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