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School Emergency Procedures

School Emergency Procedure

I. Introduction

This document outlines the standardized emergency procedures to be followed by staff and students at [YOUR SCHOOL NAME]. These procedures are designed to ensure the safety and security of all individuals on campus during emergency situations.

II. Purpose

The purpose of these emergency procedures is to provide a clear and effective plan for responding to various types of emergencies that may occur at [YOUR SCHOOL NAME]. The goal is to minimize harm and ensure a swift and coordinated response.

III. Scope

This procedure applies to all personnel, students, visitors, and contractors at [YOUR SCHOOL LOCATION].

IV. Emergency Contact Information



Phone Number


Main Office

General Assistance



Security Office

Immediate Security Response



Local Fire Department

Fire Emergencies



V. Emergency Procedures

The following steps outline the general procedure to follow in any emergency:

  1. Assess the Situation: Quickly determine the nature and extent of the emergency.

  2. Alert and Inform: Activate the emergency alarm and inform [YOUR SCHOOL EMERGENCY CONTACT] immediately.

  3. Evacuate or Lockdown: Depending on the nature of the emergency, decide whether to evacuate or lockdown. Follow specific procedures for evacuation or lockdown as detailed below.

A. Evacuation Procedure

  1. Receive the evacuation order from [YOUR SCHOOL EMERGENCY COORDINATOR] or an automated alert system.

  2. Leave belongings behind and proceed to the nearest clear exit as per the evacuation maps posted throughout [YOUR SCHOOL NAME].

  3. Assist those with disabilities or special needs.

  4. Proceed to the designated assembly point and do not re-enter the building until it is declared safe by authorities.

  5. Role Call: Ensure all personnel and students are accounted for at the assembly point.

B. Lockdown Procedure

  1. Receive the lockdown order from [YOUR SCHOOL EMERGENCY COORDINATOR] or an automated alert system.

  2. Lock all doors and windows. Turn off lights and stay away from windows and doors.

  3. Silence all mobile devices and remain quiet.

  4. Do not open the door for anyone until the all-clear is given by recognized authorities.

VI. Training and Drills

Conduct regular training and emergency drills to ensure that everyone at [YOUR SCHOOL NAME] is familiar with these procedures. Training sessions should be held at least twice a year and coordinated by [TRAINING COORDINATOR NAME].

VII. Review and Improvement

These emergency procedures should be reviewed annually by the [EMERGENCY PROCEDURES REVIEW BOARD] to ensure they remain effective and appropriate. Implement changes based on feedback from drills and actual emergencies.

VIII. Conclusion:

Ensuring the safety and security of everyone on campus is paramount at [YOUR SCHOOL NAME]. By implementing these standardized emergency procedures, we aim to minimize harm and facilitate a swift and coordinated response to any emergency situation. Through regular training and drills, we strive to familiarize all personnel, students, visitors, and contractors with these procedures to ensure preparedness. Additionally, we are committed to continuously reviewing and improving these procedures to adapt to evolving threats and feedback from drills and real emergencies.

Prepared by

School Name







Procedure Templates @