Fire Drill Procedure

Fire Drill Procedure

  • Prepared by [YOUR NAME]

  • Company Name: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]



  • Phone Number: [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER]

I. Objective

The main goal of the Fire Drill Procedure is to ensure that all employees and visitors at [YOUR COMPANY NAME] can safely evacuate the building premises in the event of a fire or other emergency requiring building evacuation.

II. Scope

This procedure applies to all employees, temporary workers, contractors, and visitors at [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

III. Responsibilities

  • Safety Officer - Oversee and coordinate the fire drill.

  • Human Resources - Ensure all personnel are aware of the fire drill procedures and maintain records of drill participation.

  • Facility Management - Ensure that all fire exits and routes are clear and properly marked.

  • All Employees - Participate in the drill and follow all instructions given during the drill.

IV. Procedure

A. Preparation

  1. Review and update the emergency evacuation plans annually.

  2. Distribute the evacuation plans to all new employees and post copies at strategic locations around the facility.

  3. Conduct training sessions on how to respond in the event of an emergency.

B. Notification

  1. Announce the [SCHEDLED DATE] of the fire drill to all employees one week in advance.

  2. Send a reminder email the day before the drill.

C. Execution

  1. Activate the fire alarm at the [SCHEDLED TIME] to start the drill.

  2. Employees should immediately leave their work areas and proceed to the nearest exits.

  3. Assembly officers should ensure that all personnel move quickly to the designated assembly points.

  4. Roll call should be taken at the assembly points to ensure all persons are accounted for.

D. Evaluation

  1. Gather feedback from participants and observers.

  2. Discuss any challenges or issues that were encountered during the drill.

  3. Make recommendations for improvements in future drills.

  4. Document the results of the fire drill in a report and include attendee signatures.

V. Follow-up

  • Safety Officer to review the fire drill report and feedback.

  • Implement changes as necessary to improve future fire drills.

  • Update training materials based on the findings from the drill.

VI. Appendices

Attached herewith are the site-specific evacuation maps, contact information of emergency personnel, and any legal requirements related to fire safety drills.

VII. Approval

This procedure was approved by [YOUR NAME], [YOUR POSITION] on [DATE]. It is subject to review and revision in accordance to changes in legal and company standards.

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