Free First Aid Procedure Template

First Aid Procedure

Prepared by [YOUR NAME]

Company Information:





I. Introduction

This First Aid Procedure acts as a guideline for managing health emergencies within [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. The aim is to provide clear instructions to ensure timely and effective medical assistance.

II. Purpose

The purpose of this First Aid Procedure is to ensure that employees can take immediate action during medical emergencies to mitigate harm until professional medical care is available.

III. Scope

This procedure applies to all employees, visitors, and contractors at [YOUR COMPANY NAME].

IV. Definitions

  • First Aider: An employee trained to provide first aid.

  • First Aid Kit: A collection of supplies and equipment for use in giving first aid.

  • Emergency Services: Professional medical helpers (e.g., paramedics, ambulatory services).

V. Responsibility

  • Employer: Ensure that first aid materials and trainings are up-to-date.

  • First Aiders: Respond to incidents requiring first aid.

  • All Employees: Familiarize themselves with this procedure.

VI. First Aid Procedure Checklist

  1. Assess the situation carefully to determine risks.

  2. If the situation is unstable, e.g., risks of fire, call for emergency evacuation.

  3. Contact a First Aider within the premises.

  4. If required, call Emergency Services at [EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER].

  5. Administer first aid only if you have been trained to do so.

A. Minor Injuries (e.g., small cuts or abrasions)

  1. First Aider should clean the wound with water and mild soap.

  2. Apply antiseptic and dress the wound.

  3. Complete an incident report form.

B. Major Injuries (e.g., fractures, large cuts, unconsciousness)

  1. Do not move the injured person unless absolutely necessary.

  2. Keep them warm and still.

  3. Monitor vital signs while waiting for Emergency Services.

  4. Fill out incident and injury report forms diligently.

VII. First Aid Kit Maintenance



Check Frequency




Antiseptic lotion

10 bottles



30 packets


VIII. Reporting and Documentation

All incidents requiring first aid treatment must be recorded using the standard incident report form available at [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. This documentation helps refine future health and safety plans.

IX. Training

Every two years, each employee in the organization is required to participate in First Aid training sessions. This ongoing training is necessary to make certain that all staff members are up to date with the most current health and safety regulations, thereby ensuring compliance across the board.

X. Review and Update of Procedures

This First Aid Procedure is to be reviewed annually by [YOUR NAME] to ensure it remains effective and compliant with new health regulations.

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