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Salon HR Procedure

I. Introduction

A. Purpose of the HR Procedure

The purpose of this Human Resources (HR) Procedure document is to establish a structured approach to the management of employees at [Your Company Name]. This document is designed to ensure that all HR activities are performed efficiently, transparently, and legally, supporting both the business needs and the rights of employees.

B. Scope and Applicability

This HR Procedure applies to all employees at [Your Company Name], including full-time, part-time, temporary, and contract staff. The procedures outlined herein are intended to guide all aspects of HR management from recruitment to termination, encompassing performance management, compensation, and employee relations.

C. Definitions of Key Terms

  • Employee: Any person employed by [Your Company Name], including full-time, part-time, temporary, and contract staff.

  • HR: Human Resources

  • Onboarding: The process of integrating a new employee into the organization and its culture.

  • Performance Management: The ongoing process of communication and feedback between a supervisor and an employee toward achieving established goals.

II. Recruitment and Hiring

A. Job Postings




Online Portals

Job boards such as Indeed, Glassdoor

As needed

Social Media

LinkedIn, Facebook page of [Your Company Name]

For every vacancy

Local Media

Community newspapers and trade magazines

For specialized roles

B. Application Process

The application process at [Your Company Name] consists of several steps designed to ensure fairness and select the most suitable candidates:

  • Submission of Resume: Candidates must submit a detailed resume via our career portal.

  • Cover Letter: A cover letter addressing the specific position is required.

  • Acknowledgment Email: Every applicant will receive an acknowledgment email upon receipt of their application.

C. Interviewing

Interviews at [Your Company Name] are structured to assess both technical abilities and cultural fit:

  • First Round: Conducted by the HR department, focusing on background and experience.

  • Technical Interview: Specific to salon roles, assessing technical skills and client interaction.

  • Final Round: With senior management, focusing on compatibility with company values.

D. Selection Criteria

Candidates are evaluated based on a mixture of their professional skills, experience, and their alignment with the company's culture and values. Criteria include:

  • Professional Experience: Relevance and length of previous experience.

  • Technical Skills: Proficiency in salon-specific skills.

  • Personality Fit: Communication skills, teamwork, and customer service orientation.

E. Employment Offers and Contracts

Candidates who are successful in the selection process will be sent an offer letter that outlines the conditions of their employment, including salary, benefits, and other pertinent terms related to their new role. Upon accepting this offer, all newly hired employees must sign a contract that is legally enforceable, formalizing their acceptance of the terms outlined in the offer letter.

III. Employee Onboarding

The onboarding process at [Your Company Name] is designed to integrate new employees into the team and equip them with the necessary knowledge and tools to perform their roles effectively.

A. Orientation Schedule





Welcome Meeting

Introduction to the team and company culture.


HR Documentation

Completing employment forms and legal documents.


Tour of Facilities

Guided tour of the salon and its various departments.


Role-Specific Training

Hands-on training with a senior stylist or supervisor.

B. Training Requirements

All new hires undergo a mandatory training program that covers:

  • Customer Service Excellence: Ensuring high standards of client interaction.

  • Health and Safety: Compliance with workplace safety protocols.

  • Product Knowledge: Understanding the products used and sold in the salon.

C. Provision of Work Tools and Uniforms

Every new employee will be provided with a standard set of tools and uniforms, as specified in the details of their employment contract. It is the responsibility of the employee to maintain these tools, and they are required to return them upon the termination of their employment.

IV. Compensation and Benefits

A. Salary Structure

[Your Company Name] offers a competitive salary structure that includes base pay, commissions, and potential bonuses. This is structured as follows:


Base Salary


Bonus Potential



10% of sales

Up to 5% of the annual target

Senior Stylist


12% of sales

Up to 10% of the annual target

B. Benefits Overview

Our comprehensive benefits package includes:

  • Health Insurance: Medical, dental, and vision coverage.

  • Retirement Plans: 401(k) with company match after one year of service.

  • Employee Discounts: Discounts on services and products.

C. Leave Entitlements

Employees at [Your Company Name] are entitled to the following leave benefits:

  • Vacation: 10 days per year, increasing with tenure.

  • Sick Days: 5 days per year.

  • Maternity/Paternity Leave: According to state and federal guidelines.

V. Employee Performance Management

A. Performance Evaluation Criteria and Procedures

At [Your Company Name], employee performance evaluations are designed to be transparent, objective, and comprehensive. The process facilitates not only a fair assessment of job performance but also encourages ongoing personal and professional development.

Performance Review Components:




Goal Achievement

Measures the fulfillment of individual and team targets set at the beginning of the review period.


Client Feedback

Incorporates direct feedback from clients on employee performance and service satisfaction.


Technical Skill Assessment

Regular assessments by supervisors to evaluate and guide technical skills and craftsmanship.


Compliance with Standards

Reviews adherence to salon policies, procedures, and health and safety standards.


B. Regular Feedback and Review Schedules

Regular feedback is integral to our performance management philosophy. Employees receive formal performance reviews bi-annually, with informal check-ins occurring quarterly:

  • Mid-Year Review: Focuses on progress towards annual goals, identifying any challenges and adjusting goals as necessary.

  • End-of-Year Review: A comprehensive evaluation that considers the year's achievements, areas for improvement, and setting goals for the next year.

C. Promotion and Career Development Opportunities

[Your Company Name] believes in fostering growth:

  • Career Pathways: Clearly defined paths for advancement from junior roles up to management.

  • Development Programs: Training initiatives designed to prepare employees for higher responsibilities.

VI. Workplace Policies

A. Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct at [Your Company Name] establishes standards of professional behavior expected from all employees to maintain a safe, respectful, and ethical workplace.

Key Areas Covered:

  • Professionalism and Ethics: Adherence to a professional demeanor and ethical treatment of clients and colleagues.

  • Dress Code: Employees are expected to wear their uniforms during working hours and maintain a neat appearance.

  • Confidentiality: Protection of client information and non-disclosure of business operations.

B. Health and Safety Regulations

Maintaining a safe work environment is paramount:



Compliance Checks

Equipment Safety

Regular checks and maintenance of salon equipment to ensure they are in safe working order.


Emergency Procedures

Clear procedures for handling emergencies, including fire, medical incidents, and client accidents.


Chemical Safety

Proper handling and storage of chemical products used in salon services.


C. Handling of Salon Equipment and Client Property

Employees are trained and expected to handle all salon equipment and client property with the utmost care:

  • Responsibility: Accountability for equipment and tools assigned to each employee.

  • Reporting Damages: Immediate reporting and documentation of any damage or malfunction.

VII. Employee Relations

A. Communication Channels and Procedures

[Your Company Name] encourages open and effective communication across all levels of the organization.

  • Monthly Meetings: Held to discuss salon performance, updates, and employee concerns.

  • Open-Door Policy: Encouragement for employees to discuss issues directly with HR or management without fear of reprisal.

B. Conflict Resolution Processes

Conflict in the workplace is addressed promptly and fairly:

  • Step-by-Step Resolution: From direct negotiation to mediation and, if necessary, formal proceedings.

  • Training: Regular training in conflict resolution for all employees.

C. Employee Rights and Representation

Employees are entitled to be treated fairly, to have access to representation, and to participate in making decisions related to the workplace that have an impact on them.

VIII. Discipline and Termination

A. Disciplinary Procedures

Our disciplinary process is designed to be fair, clear, and consistent:



Documentation Required

Verbal Warning

First step for minor infractions. Discussion of the issue and expected changes.

None initially

Written Warning

Formal documentation of continued or serious infractions.



Temporary removal from the workplace for severe violations.



Dismissal from employment due to unresolved issues or gross misconduct.


B. Termination Policies

Terminations are handled with the utmost care, ensuring legal and ethical compliance:

  • Voluntary Termination: Procedures for resignation, including notice periods and exit interviews.

  • Involuntary Termination: Includes layoff strategies and dismissal for cause, with a focus on respectful treatment and proper documentation.

C. Exit Interviews and Final Pay

  • Exit Interviews: These are conducted to understand the reasons behind an employee’s departure and to gather feedback for improvement.

  • Final Pay: All outstanding compensation, including accrued vacation pay, is processed on the employee’s last working day or as mandated by law.

IX. Compliance

A. Adherence to Local Labor Laws and Regulations

[Your Company Name] is dedicated to full compliance with all relevant labor laws to protect the company and its employees.

  • Regular Compliance Training: Ensures that HR and management are up-to-date on legal requirements.

  • Audit Schedule: Systematic checks to ensure adherence to laws and internal policies.

Compliance Area



Review Frequency

Employment Law

Adherence to state and federal employment statutes.

HR Manager


Wage and Hour Law

Ensuring proper compensation for hours worked.

Payroll Officer


Health and Safety

Compliance with OSHA and other safety regulations.

Safety Coordinator


Equal Employment

Adhering to EEO laws and promoting a diverse workplace.

HR Officer


B. Record-Keeping Requirements

Efficient and secure management of employee records is crucial for operational integrity and compliance.

  • Types of Records: Employment documents, health and safety logs, payroll records.

  • Storage and Access: Secure digital storage with restricted access.

Record Type

Storage Method

Retention Period

Access Level

Employment Contracts

Secure digital storage systems

Until +7 years post-employment

HR Department

Payroll Information

Encrypted databases

7 years

Payroll Department

Performance Reviews

Secure cloud storage

5 years

Supervisors and HR

C. Data Protection and Privacy Policies

Ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of personal and business data through robust security measures.

  • Data Protection Training: Regular sessions for all employees handling sensitive data.

  • Incident Response: Protocols for addressing data breaches or security incidents.

Data Type

Protection Measures

Training Frequency


Personal Employee Data

Encryption, access controls



Client Information

Secure server, limited access



Financial Records

Two-factor authentication, encryption



X. Continuous Improvement

A. Regular Review and Updates of HR Procedures

Ongoing evaluation and updating of HR policies to reflect changes in the legal landscape, industry standards, and organizational needs.

  • Procedure Review Meetings: Scheduled meetings to discuss and update HR policies.

  • Documentation Updates: Ensuring all HR documents reflect the latest policies and procedures.

Area of Focus

Review Activities


Documentation Updated

Recruitment Processes

Evaluate effectiveness, legal compliance


Recruitment Guidelines

Employee Benefits

Benchmark against industry, employee feedback


Benefits Handbook

Discipline and Termination

Review fairness and legal standing


Discipline Policy

B. Employee Feedback Mechanisms

Mechanisms to gather and respond to employee feedback, fostering a responsive and engaged workplace culture.

  • Feedback Channels: Multiple avenues for employees to express concerns and suggestions.

  • Action Plan Development: Creating actionable plans based on feedback to improve workplace practices.

Feedback Mechanism


Response Time


Annual Surveys

Comprehensive questionnaire on various aspects of employment.

2 weeks after the survey

Implementation of changes within 6 months

Suggestion Box

Anonymous submissions for improvement ideas.

Reviewed monthly

Quarterly review meetings

Town Hall Meetings

Open forum for employees to discuss issues with management.

Held quarterly

Immediate actions where possible

C. Training and Development for HR Staff

Continuous development opportunities for HR professionals to ensure they are equipped with the latest skills and knowledge.

  • Training Programs: Specific courses tailored to the needs of HR staff.

  • Professional Development Plans: Individual plans for career progression within HR.

Training Type



Expected Outcome

Legal Compliance

Keeping abreast of changes in employment law.


Compliance maintenance

Technology Training

Use of new HRIS systems and databases.

As needed

Efficiency improvement

Leadership Development

Building management and leadership skills.


Career progression

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