Fresher Graduate CV

Fresher Graduate CV

I. Personal Details

  • Address: [YOUR ADDRESS]


  • LinkedIn:

II. Objective

Aspiring Environmental Scientist

A recent graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science degree from ABC University, seeking to launch a career in environmental science. Passionate about utilizing academic knowledge and research skills to address environmental challenges and promote sustainability.

III. Education

A. Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science

ABC University, City, State
Graduation Year: 2061

B. Relevant Coursework:

  • Environmental Conservation

  • Environmental Policy and Regulation

  • Climate Change Science

C. Academic Projects:

  • Water Quality Analysis Description: Conducted a study on water quality in local rivers and lakes, analyzing factors affecting water pollution levels and proposing mitigation measures.

  • Impact of Land Use Change on Biodiversity Description: Investigated the effects of land use change on biodiversity in a selected area, using GIS techniques and statistical analysis.

IV. Skills

A. Technical Skills

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

  • Statistical Analysis Software (e.g., R, SPSS)

  • Environmental Monitoring Techniques

B. Soft Skills

  • Research

  • Critical Thinking

  • Collaboration

V. Experience

A. Internship Experience

Environmental Research Intern, GreenEarth NGO
City, State
June 2060 - December 2060


  • Assisted in conducting environmental research studies and field surveys.

  • Analyzed data and prepared reports on findings related to air and water quality, biodiversity, and habitat conservation.

  • Collaborated with team members to develop educational materials and outreach programs for environmental awareness.

Key Achievements:

  • Contributed to a research project on urban air pollution, providing valuable insights into the impact of vehicular emissions on air quality.

  • Participated in a community tree-planting initiative, helping to enhance urban green spaces and promote ecosystem health.

  • Received commendation for dedication and enthusiasm in supporting environmental conservation efforts.

VI. Projects

A. Academic Projects

  • Water Quality Analysis Description: Conducted a study on water quality in local rivers and lakes, analyzing factors affecting water pollution levels and proposing mitigation measures.

  • Impact of Land Use Change on Biodiversity Description: Investigated the effects of land use change on biodiversity in a selected area, using GIS techniques and statistical analysis.

VII. Certifications

  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Certification, Environmental Institute, 2060

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist Certification, GIS Association, 2059

VIII. Extracurricular Activities

  • Member of the Environmental Club, participating in clean-up drives and tree-planting events.

  • Volunteer at local nature reserves, assisting with habitat restoration and wildlife monitoring projects.

IX. Languages

  • English: Fluent

  • French: Intermediate

X. References

  • References Available Upon Request

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