Free Swimming Pool Waiver Template



Free Swimming Pool Waiver Template

Swimming Pool Waiver

I. Introduction

This agreement (the "Waiver") is entered into between [PARTICIPANT'S NAME] (hereinafter referred to as the "Participant") and [YOUR COMPANY NAME] (hereinafter referred to as the "Provider"). The Participant acknowledges that they are voluntarily participating in swimming lessons or aquatic training programs (the "Program") provided by the Provider.

II. Acknowledgment of Risks

By signing this Waiver, the Participant acknowledges and understands the following:

  1. Swimming and aquatic activities involve inherent risks, including but not limited to, the risk of drowning, injury, or illness.

  2. The Participant is aware of the risks associated with swimming lessons or aquatic training programs, including risks related to water conditions, equipment use, and the actions of other participants.

  3. The Participant understands that the Provider cannot guarantee the Participant's safety and that accidents or injuries may occur despite the Provider's best efforts to mitigate risks.

III. Waiver of Liability

In consideration of being allowed to participate in the Program, the Participant hereby waives, releases, and discharges [YOUR COMPANY NAME], its officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action arising out of or related to any loss, damage, injury, or illness sustained by the Participant during or as a result of their participation in the Program.

IV. Assumption of Risk

The Participant acknowledges and assumes all risks associated with participating in the Program, including those risks that may be caused by the negligence of the Provider or other participants.

V. Indemnification

The Participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless [YOUR COMPANY NAME], its officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives from any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action brought by third parties arising out of or related to the Participant's participation in the Program.

VI. Agreement to Follow Rules and Instructions

The Participant agrees to abide by all rules, regulations, and instructions provided by the Provider regarding the use of facilities, equipment, and participation in the Program.

VII. Consent to Medical Treatment

In the event of an emergency, the Participant authorizes the Provider to obtain medical treatment for the Participant as deemed necessary, including transportation to a medical facility.

VIII. Signature and Date

I, [PARTICIPANT'S NAME], have read and understand this Waiver in its entirety. I voluntarily agree to its terms and conditions.



IX. Provider's Signature and Date

I, [YOUR NAME], on behalf of [YOUR COMPANY NAME], hereby acknowledge the Participant's agreement to the terms of this Waiver.



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