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Business Questionnaire Form

Business Questionnaire

Prepared by [Your Name]

I. Introduction

Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we strive to improve our products and services to better serve you. This questionnaire aims to assess your satisfaction with [Your Company Name]'s offerings and gather insights to enhance your overall experience.

Please read the instructions carefully and answer each question honestly and to the best of your ability.

II. General Information

What is your age group?

    • 18-24

    • 25-34

    • 35-44

    • 45-54

    • 55+


      • Male

      • Female

      • Prefer not to say

      How long have you been a customer of [Your Company Name]?

        • Less than 6 months

        • 6 months to 1 year

        • 1-3 years

        • 3-5 years

        • More than 5 years

        III. Product/Service Satisfaction

        How satisfied are you with the quality of our products/services?

          • Very Satisfied

          • Satisfied

          • Neutral

          • Dissatisfied

          • Very Dissatisfied

          Please rate your overall experience with our customer service representatives:










            Problem Resolution

            IV. Suggestions for Improvement

            What improvements would you like to see in our products/services?

              How can we enhance our customer service experience?

                V. Additional Feedback

                Do you have any additional comments or suggestions you would like to share?

                  VI. Conclusion

                  Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey. Your feedback is crucial in helping us enhance our offerings and provide you with the best possible experience. We truly appreciate your participation.

                  [Your Company Name] values your feedback. Thank you for helping us improve!

                  Questionnaire Form Templates @