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Landlord Waiver

Landlord Waiver

I. Introduction

This Landlord Waiver Agreement ("Agreement") is made between [LANDLORD NAME], the landlord ("Landlord"), and [TENANT NAME], the tenant ("Tenant"), concerning the property located at [PROPERTY ADRESS]. This Agreement outlines the conditions under which the Tenant may use, alter or modify the property with the understanding and consent of the Landlord.

II. Purpose

The primary purpose of this Agreement is to clearly state the waivers provided by the Landlord to the Tenant regarding specific obligations and responsibilities initially held by the Tenant under the lease agreement dated [LEASE AGREEMENT DATE].

III. Scope of Waiver

The Landlord hereby waives the following rights and claims against the Tenant:

  • Right to dispute modifications made to the structural integrity of the property as described in [SPECIFIC MODIFICATION LIST].

  • Claims for damages resulting from modifications, alterations, or installations conducted under the terms set forth in this Agreement.

  • Other rights as specifically enumerated in [ADDITIONAL RIGHTS LIST].

IV. Conditions

The Tenant agrees to the following conditions to validate this Waiver:

  • All modifications must be conducted in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

  • Tenant must obtain all necessary permits and approvals prior to commencement of any work.

  • Tenant assumes all financial responsibilities for modifications, including any necessary remediation.

V. Term

This Waiver is effective upon the signing date and shall remain in effect until the lease termination date on [LEASE TERMINATION DATE], unless otherwise modified or terminated by mutual consent of both parties.

VI. Voluntary Participation

This Agreement is entered into voluntarily by both the Landlord and Tenant. Both parties acknowledge that they have had the opportunity to consult with legal counsel and to ask any questions necessary to fully understand the terms herein.

VII. Legal Validity

This Waiver shall be considered legally binding under the laws of the state of [STATE], and any disputes arising from this Agreement shall be adjudicated in the courts of [COUNTY], [STATE].

VIII. Signatures

By signing below, both parties agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Landlord Waiver Agreement.





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