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Company Party Alcohol Waiver

Company Party Alcohol Waiver

I. Introduction

This Company Party Alcohol Waiver Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into on [DATE] between [YOUR COMPANY NAME], located at [COMPANY ADDRESS], and [PARTICIPANT'S FULL NAME], hereinafter referred to as "Participant."

II. Purpose

The purpose of this Agreement is to acknowledge Participant's voluntary decision to consume alcoholic beverages during company-sponsored events and to release [YOUR COMPANY NAME] from any liability arising from such consumption.

III. Waiver Details

By signing this Agreement, Participant agrees to:

  • Consume alcoholic beverages responsibly and in moderation.

  • Assume full responsibility for their actions and behavior while under the influence of alcohol.

  • Release [YOUR COMPANY NAME] from any liability for any injury, loss, or damage incurred as a result of their consumption of alcoholic beverages during the company-sponsored event.

IV. Scope of Waiver

Participant understands and agrees that:

  • They are not required to consume alcoholic beverages and may choose to abstain.

  • They are responsible for ensuring their own safety and the safety of others while consuming alcohol.

  • [YOUR COMPANY NAME] reserves the right to restrict or terminate Participant's alcohol consumption at any time if deemed necessary for safety reasons.

V. Acknowledgment of Understanding

Participant acknowledges that they have read and understood the terms of this Agreement. They have had the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification regarding the implications of consuming alcohol during the company-sponsored event.

VI. Agreement Term

The Agreement term is outlined as follows:

  • The Agreement shall remain in effect for the duration of the company-sponsored event.

  • It also extends to cover any related activities associated with the event.

  • The Agreement starts upon the commencement of the event and concludes upon its completion.

  • Any activities directly linked to the company-sponsored event fall within the scope of this Agreement.

  • Participant's compliance with the terms of this Agreement is required throughout the entirety of the event and related activities.

VII. Signatures

In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.







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