Coaching Recap

Coaching Recap



Prepared by:






I. Objectives of the Session

The primary goal of this coaching session was to enhance individual and team performance within [YOUR COACHING INSTITUTE]. Specific objectives were set to identify areas of improvement, establish actionable goals, and foster a supportive work environment conducive to learning and personal growth.

During the session, key performance indicators were reviewed as benchmarks for both short-term and long-term development. The objectives were tailored according to the needs of [EMPLOYEE'S NAME] and aligned with the strategic goals of [YOUR DEPARTMENT].

II. Key Discussions

Key Topics Covered:

  • Review of current performance metrics and goals

  • Feedback from recent projects and teamwork contributions

  • Identification of strengths and areas for improvement

  • Development of a personalized action plan

This section is critical as it ensures that both the coach and the coachee have a clear understanding of the topics discussed and the outcomes expected. This will serve as a reference for monitoring future progress and accountability.

III. Action Items

An action plan was developed to address the identified needs and leverage the existing strengths of [EMPLOYEE'S NAME]. The plan includes specific, measurable steps to be taken with deadlines for each task.

The following table summarizes the agreed-upon actions:

Action Item




Complete leadership training modules




Bi-weekly check-in with mentor




IV. Feedback and Observations

Feedback provided during the session was constructive and focused on cultivating a growth mindset. Specific observations about [EMPLOYEE'S NAME]'s recent performance include both strengths such as leadership and areas needing improvement like time management.

This feedback is essential for ensuring continuous improvement and helping [EMPLOYEE'S NAME] achieve their fullest potential. It is advised that the feedback be reviewed periodically to reassess progress and make necessary adjustments.

V. Next Steps and Future Sessions

The next coaching session is scheduled for [NEXT SESSION DATE]. Prior to this date, it is expected that all action items listed above are addressed accordingly to ensure the session focuses on new areas of development and opportunities for further growth.

Continued support will be provided in the form of regular feedback loops, additional resources, and access to training materials as per the developmental needs of [EMPLOYEE'S NAME].

VI. Conclusion:

In summary, the coaching session at [YOUR COACHING INSTITUTE] was aimed at enhancing individual and team performance by aligning goals with strategic objectives. Through insightful discussions and the development of a personalized action plan, tailored to [EMPLOYEE'S NAME]'s needs, we've set a clear path for improvement. Moving forward, consistent follow-up and support will ensure progress towards professional development goals, fostering a culture of continuous learning and excellence at [YOUR COACHING INSTITUTE].

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