IT Intern CV

IT Intern CV

Name: [Your Name]

Address: [Your Address]

LinkedIn Profile:

I. Objective

Seeking an IT internship position where I can apply and enhance my technical skills while contributing to the success of the organization.

II. Education

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, XYZ University

[Month, Year]

  • Relevant Coursework: Data Structures, Algorithms, Computer Networks

  • GPA: 3.8/4.0

  • Awards/Honors: Dean's List

III. Technical Skills

  • Programming Languages: Python, Java, C++

  • Operating Systems: Windows, Linux

  • Databases: MySQL, MongoDB

  • Web Development: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP

  • Other Tools/Technologies: Git, Docker, AWS

IV. Projects

Online Shopping Website

  • Description: Developed a fully functional e-commerce website using the Django framework. Implemented user authentication, product catalog, and shopping cart functionality.

  • Technologies Used: Python, Django, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, MySQL

Data Visualization Dashboard

  • Description: Created an interactive data visualization dashboard using React.js and D3.js to display real-time stock market data.

  • Technologies Used: React.js, D3.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB

V. Work Experience

Software Development Intern, ABC Tech Solutions

[Month, Year] - [Month, Year]

  • Developed RESTful APIs for a microservices architecture using Node.js and Express.js.

  • Collaborated with team members to troubleshoot and debug code issues.

  • Assisted in the design and implementation of database schemas for new projects.

IT Support Intern, XYZ Corporation

[Month, Year] - [Month, Year]

  • Provided technical support to end-users by troubleshooting hardware and software issues.

  • Assisted in the deployment and maintenance of computer systems and peripherals.

  • Documented support procedures and created user manuals for internal use.

VI. Certifications

  • AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, Amazon Web Services, [Month, Year]

  • Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT), Cisco, [Month, Year]

VII. Additional Skills

  • Strong problem-solving abilities

  • Excellent communication skills

  • Ability to work independently and in a team environment

  • Attention to detail and accuracy

  • Quick learner and adaptable to new technologies

VIII. References

Available upon request.

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