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IT CV Format

IT CV Format

I. Personal Details

Address: [Your Address]

Date of Birth: [Date] [Month][Year]

Nationality: [Nationality]

Languages: [Languages Spoken]

Marital Status: [Marital Status]

II. Objective

A dedicated and results-oriented IT professional with [years] of experience in [specific IT area]. Skilled in [mention relevant skills, e.g., software development, network administration, etc.]. Seeking to leverage expertise to contribute to [Your Company Name] as a [desired position].

III. Education

  • Degree Name: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

  • University Name: [University Name]

  • Graduation Year: [Year of Graduation]

  • [Any additional degrees or certifications]

IV. Professional Experience

  1. [Job Title], [Your Company Name]

    1. Duration: [Start Date] - [End Date]

    2. Responsibilities:

      • [List primary responsibilities and achievements in bullet points]

  2. [Job Title], [Your Company Name]

    1. Duration: [Start Date] - [End Date]

    2. Responsibilities:

      • [List primary responsibilities and achievements in bullet points]

V. Skills

  1. Technical Skills:

    • Programming languages

    • Operating systems

    • Software tools

  2. Soft Skills:

    • Communication

    • Problem-solving

    • Teamwork


  1. [Project Title]

    • Duration: [Start Date] - [End Date]

    • Description:

      • [Brief description of the project, technologies used, and your role]

VII. Certifications

  • [Certification Name], [Issuing Organization], [Year]

VIII. References

Available upon request.

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