Accounting Manager CV

Accounting Manager CV

I. Personal Details

  • Address: [Your Company Address]

  • LinkedIn:

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II. Education

Bachelor of Science in Accounting
[Your University Name], [Location]
Graduated: [Month, Year]

A. Certification

Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
[Certifying Body], [Year Obtained]

B. Relevant Courses

  • Advanced Financial Reporting

  • Managerial Accounting and Control

  • Corporate Taxation

III. Qualifications & Achievements

  • Managed a team of 5 accounting professionals, achieving a 20% improvement in month-end closing efficiency.

  • Implemented streamlined processes resulting in a 15% reduction in annual operating costs.

  • Ensured financial compliance, leading to successful audits and zero regulatory violations.

  • Developed and executed strategic financial plans resulting in a 10% increase in company profitability.

IV. Skills

A.Technical Skills

  • Financial Reporting

  • Budget Management

  • Tax Planning

  • ERP Systems (e.g., SAP, Oracle)

B. Interpersonal Skills

  • Leadership

  • Team Collaboration

  • Communication

  • Problem-Solving

V. Work Experience

A. Accounting Manager

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Address]

[Employment Date]

  • Led accounting team in day-to-day operations, overseeing accounts payable, receivable, and payroll functions.

  • Prepared monthly financial statements and reports for executive review.

  • Implemented cost-saving initiatives, resulting in a $50,000 annual reduction in operational expenses.

B. Senior Accountant

[Previous Company Name]

[Previous Company Address]

[Employment Date]

  • Managed month-end close process and financial analysis for a mid-sized manufacturing company.

  • Conducted budget variance analysis and provided insights for strategic decision-making.

VI. References

References are provided upon request.

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