Free Business Lesson Plan Template
Business Lesson Plan
Instructor: [Your Name]
Email: [Your Company Email]
Institution: [Your Company Name]
Course Code: BUS 101
Date: November 10, 2050
I. Introduction to Business Ethics
A. Objectives
By the end of this lesson, students will:
Understand the definition and significance of business ethics.
Identify common ethical dilemmas in business settings.
Utilize ethical decision-making models to address real-world scenarios.
B. Materials
Textbook: "Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases"
Handouts with case studies
Projector and computer
Whiteboard and markers
Notebooks and pens
II. Lesson Structure
A. Opening (15 minutes)
Welcome and introduce the topic.
Outline lesson objectives.
Show an introductory video on business ethics.
B. Core Instruction (30 minutes)
Presentation: Business Ethics Overview
Definition and importance of business ethics.
Ethical business practices and their benefits.
Discussion: Common Ethical Dilemmas
Conflicts of interest
Insider trading
Corporate social responsibility
C. Interactive Activity (20 minutes)
Case Study Analysis
Distribute case study handouts.
Group students and assign case studies.
Analyze and discuss ethical dilemmas using decision-making models.
D. Group Presentations (15 minutes)
Group Presentations
Each group presents their case study analysis.
Class discussion on ethical approaches.
E. Conclusion (10 minutes)
Recap key points.
Reflect on personal approaches to ethical dilemmas.
Preview next lesson topic.
III. Evaluation
A. Formative Assessment
Monitor group discussions and participation.
Evaluate case study presentations.
B. Summative Assessment
Reflective essay on business ethics (due next class).
IV. Differentiation
A. Advanced Students
Additional readings on ethical theories.
B. Struggling Students
Simplified case studies.
Extra support during group activities.
V. Classroom Management
A. Expectations
Active and respectful participation.
Stay on task during activities.
Respect diverse opinions.
B. Transition Signals
Clear announcements for transitions.
Allow time for activity changes.
VI. Instructor Contact
A. Office Hours
[Your Name]: Monday and Wednesday, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Email: [Your Company Email]
B. Resources
Institution Website: [Your Company Website]
Social Media: Follow us on [Your Company Social Media] for updates and resources.
VII. Supplementary Materials
Additional reading on ethical theories and applications in business.
List of relevant websites and online resources for further exploration.