IT Fresh Graduate CV

IT Fresh Graduate CV

Date of Birth: [YOUR DATE OF BIRTH]


Address: [Your Company Address]


I. Objective:

A highly motivated and recent graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology, eager to leverage academic knowledge and practical experience to contribute effectively in entry-level roles within the IT industry. Seeking opportunities for professional growth and development in graduate training programs, software development, or IT support positions.

II. Education:

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
[University Name], [City, State]
[Month, Year] - [Month, Year]

  • Relevant coursework: Database Management Systems, Software Engineering, Network Security, Web Development.

  • GPA: [Your GPA]

III. Academic Achievements

  • Dean's List recipient for achieving academic excellence in [Specific Semester or Year].

  • Received scholarships or academic awards for outstanding performance in Information Technology coursework.

  • Presented research findings or projects at academic conferences or symposiums.

  • Participated in hackathons or coding competitions, earning recognition for innovative solutions or projects.

  • Completed specialized courses or workshops in areas such as cybersecurity, data science, or cloud computing, enhancing academic knowledge and skills.

IV. Skills

Technical Skills

  • Programming Languages: Java, Python, HTML/CSS, JavaScript

  • Operating Systems: Windows, Linux

  • Database Management: SQL, MySQL

  • Software Development Tools: Git, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse

  • Networking: TCP/IP, LAN/WAN, DNS

  • Web Development: Bootstrap, jQuery, React.js

Interpersonal Skills

  • Excellent problem-solving abilities and strong attention to detail.

  • Effective communication and teamwork skills developed through group projects and internships.

  • Quick learner with a passion for staying updated with emerging technologies and industry trends.

V. Projects

  1. Online Bookstore Web Application

    • Developed a fully functional online bookstore using Java Servlets and MySQL for database management.

    • Implemented user authentication, product catalog, shopping cart functionality, and secure payment gateway integration.

  2. Inventory Management System

    • Created an inventory management system using Python and SQLite to track product stock levels and generate reports.

    • Designed a user-friendly interface for adding, updating, and deleting inventory items.

  3. Personal Portfolio Website

    • Designed and developed a responsive personal portfolio website using HTML/CSS and Bootstrap framework.

    • Showcased academic projects, skills, and contact information.

VI. Internship Experience

IT Support Intern
[Company Name], [City, State]
[Month, Year] - [Month, Year]

  • Assisted in troubleshooting hardware and software issues for employees.

  • Installed and configured software applications and performed system upgrades.

  • Provided technical support and guidance to end-users via email, phone, and in person.

VII. Certifications

  • Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT)

  • Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA): Database Fundamentals

VIII. References

Available upon request.

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