Real Estate Settlement Statement

Real Estate Settlement Statement

I. Introduction

This Real Estate Settlement Statement ("Statement") is prepared for the purpose of documenting the financial transactions and obligations related to the settlement of a real estate transaction. This Statement is made between:

II. Parties Involved

A. Seller

  • Name: [SELLER NAME]

  • Address: [SELLER ADDRESS]

  • Phone Number: [SELLER PHONE NUMBER]

  • Email: [SELLER EMAIL]

B. Buyer

  • Name: [BUYER NAME]

  • Address: [BUYER ADDRESS]

  • Phone Number: [BUYER PHONE NUMBER]

  • Email: [BUYER EMAIL]

III. Property Information

A. Property Address


  • City: [CITY]

  • State: [STATE]

  • ZIP Code: [ZIP CODE]

B. Property Details


  • Square Footage: [SQUARE FOOTAGE]

  • Number of Bedrooms: [NUMBER OF BEDROOMS]

  • Number of Bathrooms: [NUMBER OF BATHROOMS]

III. Financial Details

  1. Purchase Price: The agreed-upon purchase price for the property is $[PURCHASE PRICE].

  2. Earnest Money Deposit: The Buyer has provided an earnest money deposit of $[DEPOSIT AMOUNT] upon signing the purchase agreement.

  3. Closing Costs: The allocation of closing costs between the Seller and Buyer is as follows:

    • Seller's Closing Costs: $[SELLER CLOSING COSTS]

      Buyer's Closing Costs: $[BUYER CLOSING COSTS]

  4. Prorations: The following expenses will be prorated between the Seller and Buyer as of the closing date:

    • Property Taxes

    • Homeowners Association Fees

    • Utility Bills

  5. Adjustments: Any adjustments to the purchase price or closing costs shall be made based on the final walkthrough inspection and any agreed-upon repairs or adjustments.

IV. Loan Details (if applicable)

If the Buyer is obtaining financing for the purchase, the following loan details shall be included:

  • Loan Amount: The principal amount of the loan is $[LOAN AMOUNT].

  • Interest Rate: The interest rate on the loan is [INTEREST RATE]%.

  • Loan Term: The loan term is [LOAN TERM] years.

  • Lender's Fees: Any fees charged by the lender, including origination fees, points, and processing fees.

V. Distribution of Funds

Upon closing, funds shall be distributed as follows:

  • Seller's Net Proceeds: $[SELLER NET PROCEEDS]

  • Buyer's Payment Due: $[BUYER PAYMENT DUE]

  • Escrow Account: Any remaining funds held in escrow for property taxes, insurance, or other purposes.

VI. Signatures

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Real Estate Settlement Statement as of the date first above written.





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