Management Coursework

Management Coursework

Organization: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]


Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

I. Course Overview

  • Course Title: Management Principles and Practices

  • Duration: 12 Weeks

  • Course Start Date: March 15, 2051

  • Course End Date: June 02, 2051

  • Learning Mode: Blend of Online and On-site sessions

II. Learning Objectives

  • Understand core management theories and their real-world applications.

  • Develop strategic thinking and decision-making skills.

  • Enhance capabilities in leading teams and managing organizational change.

  • Apply principles of financial and resource management.

III. Course Modules


Module Title

Key Learnings


Introduction to Management

History of Management, Basic Concepts, and Functions of Management


Strategic Planning

Importance of Planning, Strategies, Tools, and Techniques


Organizational Structure and Design

Organizational Theories, Structures, Design, and Development


Leadership Skills

Leadership Theories, Styles, and Real-life Application


Change Management

Approaches, Resistance, Frameworks, and Implementation Strategies


Financial Management

Budgeting, Financial Decision-Making, Reporting, and Control Mechanisms

IV. Assignments and Assessment

Each module contains practical assignments to reinforce the learned theories and concepts. The final assessment will be conducted in the last week.

  • Weekly Assignments: Individual or Group Tasks

  • Project Work: Capstone Project in Teams

  • Final Exam: Written and Oral Examination

V. Recommended Texts and Resources

Participants would need to procure the following resources:

  • Modern Management Techniques by Dr. A. Smith

  • Strategic Organizational Change by K. Pearl

  • Access to Management Simulation Software (details provided during course initiation)

VI. Enrollment Details

To enroll in the course, fill out the course registration form available on [YOUR COMPANY WEBSITE] or contact [YOUR COMPANY NUMBER].

VII. Contact Information

For further inquiries, reach out via the contact details provided above or directly communicate with the course coordinator through the dedicated course forum on our website.

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