Free History Coursework Template



Free History Coursework Template

History Coursework


I. Course Overview

  • Course Title: History 2050 - Exploring the Past to Understand the Future

  • Course Code: HIST2050

  • Course Description: This course delves into key historical events, movements, and figures that have shaped civilizations throughout the centuries. Students will critically analyze primary and secondary sources to gain a deeper understanding of how the past influences the present and future.

II. Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Identify and describe significant historical events, periods, and figures.

  2. Analyze primary and secondary sources critically.

  3. Understand the interconnectedness of historical events and their impact on contemporary society.

  4. Develop research and analytical skills through coursework and assignments.

III. Course Schedule



Topics Covered



2050-01-01 to 2050-01-07

Introduction to Historical Analysis

  • Readings: Introduction to the textbook

  • Discussion forum: Reflect on the significance of history.


2050-01-08 to 2050-01-14

Ancient Civilizations

  • Essay: Compare and contrast the political structures of Mesopotamia and Egypt.

  • Quiz on the topic.


2050-01-15 to 2050-01-21

Middle Ages and Renaissance

  • Research Paper: Analyze the impact of the Black Death on European society.

  • Presentation related to the topic.


2050-01-22 to 2050-01-28

Age of Exploration and Enlightenment

  • Debate: Was European exploration primarily driven by economic motives or a quest for knowledge?

  • Reading Reflection.

IV. Assessment

  • Participation: 20%

  • Assignments: 40%

  • Midterm Exam: 20%

  • Final Exam: 20%

V. Resources

  • Textbook: "A History of the World" by [AUTHOR'S NAME]

  • Supplementary Readings: Various academic articles and book chapters

  • Online Resources: JSTOR, Google Scholar

  • Library Resources: University library catalog, historical archives

VI. Policies

  • Attendance is mandatory, and any absences must be communicated in advance.

  • Late submissions will be penalized unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor.

  • Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action as per the institution's policies.

  • Students requiring accommodations must contact the instructor to make arrangements.

VII. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding the course, please contact:

  • Instructor: [YOUR NAME]

  • Contact: [YOUR EMAIL]

  • Office: Room 210, Humanities Building

  • Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2-4 PM

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