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Individual Coursework

Individual Coursework

I. Course Overview

  • Course Title: Introduction to Business Management

  • Instructor: [YOUR NAME]

  • Semester/Year: Fall 2050

  • Course Description: This course provides an introduction to the principles and practices of business management, covering topics such as organizational behavior, leadership, strategic planning, and decision-making.

II. Course Objectives

  1. Understand the fundamental concepts of business management.

  2. Analyze various management theories and their practical applications.

  3. Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the context of business management.

III. Assignments

A. Research Papers




Evolution of Management Theories

Oct 15, 2050

Analyze the evolution of management theories from classical to modern approaches.

Strategic Planning in Business

Nov 30, 2050

Explore the process of strategic planning and its importance in organizational success.

B. Presentations

  1. Topic: Leadership Styles

    • Date: Sep 25, 2050

    • Outline: Introduction, Types of Leadership Styles, Case Studies.

  2. Topic: Decision-Making in Business

    • Date: Oct 30, 2050

    • Outline: Decision-Making Process, Factors Influencing Decisions, Real-world Examples.

IV. Examinations

A. Midterm Exam

  • Date: Oct 20, 2050

  • Topics Covered: Chapters 1-4

B. Final Exam

  • Date: Dec 10, 2050

  • Topics Covered: Chapters 5-9

V. Grading Criteria

  • Participation: 10%

  • Assignments: 30%

  • Examinations: 40%

  • Final Project: 20%

VI. Course Schedule

A. Week 1: Sep 1-7, 2050

  • Topic: Introduction to Business Management

  • Reading: Chapter 1 - The Evolution of Management

  • Assignment: Read and summarize a case study on classical management approaches.

B. Week 2: Sep 8-14, 2050

  • Topic: Organizational Behavior

  • Reading: Chapter 2 - Understanding Human Behavior

  • Assignment: Analyze a workplace scenario and identify key behavioral patterns.

VII. Resources

  • Textbook: "Management: A Practical Approach" by Angela Smith

  • Online Resources:

  • Additional Readings:

    • "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" by Patrick Lencioni

    • "Good to Great" by Jim Collins

VIII. Contact Information

For questions and inquiries:

  • Instructor: [YOUR NAME]

  • Email: [YOUR EMAIL]

  • Organization: [YOUR COMPANY NAME]


  • Room: Room 210

  • Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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